22 April 2000 BGS Newsletter Issue 20

Welcome to the twentieth edition of the Borley Ghost Society Newsletter. Thanks to the dedicated efforts of William G. Vicars, Ph. D. the Society now has a marvelous new computer. Built from the ground up - and using only two parts from the previous computer - it is a 500MHZ system! Fortunately, I was down only a couple of days, and should now be able to give better and faster service. A really neat bonus on the new machine is a haunted house screen saver. Thanks, Bill!

Hopefully, this issue will reach some of you in time to watch "Ghosts: Best Evidence Caught on Tape." In my neighborhood, it is showing on the FOX affiliate Thursday night at 7 p.m. If you catch it, let me know what you think.

John L. Randall talks about "My Search for Harry Price"

Alan Wesencraft sent me the following: "Many thanks for the continued supply of the excellent BGS newsletter which I enjoy reading very much. I have read the manuscript of the Edward Babbs - Claudine Mathias book, and I can assure you it is a very well written and interesting account of the haunting. It contains some original research and also some interesting theories about the reasons for the phenomena. I enclose herewith a copy of the talk given to The Ghost Club on March 7, 2000 by John L. Randall who is a co-opted member of the Council of the Society for Psychical Research. The interest of the talk lies in the way that Mr. Randall gradually forms a strong admiration for Harry Price and work, and at the same time gradually realizes that Hall was little more than a [scoundrel]." Hopefully, this talk will see its way into print!

Sidney Glanville's "Locked Book"

In the last newsletter you mentioned the "Locked Book" by Mr. Sidney Glanville. Through correspondence with Mr. Alan Wesencraft, I have found out that Hall "borrowed" the locked book, made a typewritten copy of the manuscript, returned THAT to the Harry Price Library and then sold the original one for £1200 pounds to an American. He also sold the original 'Fifteen Months in Haunted House' for a large sum and several other extremely valuable documents from the HPL. He was a malicious hypocrite to damn Harry Price in such a way. I know that Mrs. Cecilia Baines once described him as 'slime' and it was what he deserved. Anyway, I think that the BORLEY GHOST SOCIETY should make it their mission to discover the original Locked Book and return it to the HPL. where it rightly belongs. That IS of course if it is still in existence. It will be extremely hard knowing where to start but if we try to find some people who knew Trevor Hall when he sold the manuscript and see what they remember.
Joseph Olding
It's certainly not a bad idea. Just remind me about the particulars though. The Locked Book was bequeathed to Hall by Sidney Glanville wasn't it? Does the HPL just have a photocopy of it then? I know I have a copy in my papers from the HPL, but I cannot remember now (20 years later!!) what the original there looked like. I think it would make an excellent Millennial project!
Richard Lee-Van den Daele
[The talk by John L. Randall (above) makes reference to the Locked Book of Glanville. Trevor Hall explains much about the book and about his investigation into Marianne in the very obscure - and therefore very valuable in a literary sense - A Skeptic's Handbook of Parapsychology. Mrs. Baines expressed her opinion of Hall in a letter to an unknown gentleman.
I am reminded of the fate of the original "Winnie the Pooh" doll. The bear and its mates were on tour in America to honor A.A. Milne, but somehow were never returned to Great Britain. Imagine the commotion when England asked for them back decades later! Perhaps we have a similar circumstance here. The current American owner of the Locked Book feels that he or she paid a fair price, and that after so many years the "right of ownership" has passed to that person. I am almost positive I know where the Locked Book is. Approaching the person who now lays claim to it would be a very delicate situation indeed. Depending on the mood of the person at the moment of contact, and depending on my approach, the current owner could decide in a second to "protect" the book and claim NOT to have it. Even if the current owner acknowledged possession, what language could I use to persuade that person to return it to the Harry Price Library - especially if that new owner had a "receipt" signed by Trevor Hall? If I am correct, the book is in good hands, safely locked away. Some day when I have the funds, I need to visit this particular American town to review other documents pertaining to my history shared by the same person. If such a trip could be arranged, I will inquire after the Locked Book. - Vincent O'Neil]

Bibliography updates

Jamas Enright sent a terrific review of the incredible allegations published by Robert Wood in The Widow of Borley. Joan Smith explains to the audience of the Times Literary Supplement that "there is no evidence for Wood’s conviction that Marianne bumped off Foyster."

Jamas also found a review of my web site written by Bill Pannifer in Network, an Independent newspaper. I am in touch with the author, and trying to run down a hard copy of the magazine for my collection.

Next he found a short reference in The Easter Island Incident by Tereance Dicks. On page 10, Dicks says, "Some time ago I'd started having nightmares about a haunted house called Borley Rectory."

Jamas found several more web sites that mention Borley. The first one is run by Gareth Innes. Some students at Tibshelf School in Derbyshire have posted their projects on the school's web site. "Pupil 5" has a short page on Borley. Will's Haunts recalls the floating brick. There is one paragraph about Borley at an old web site that attempts to link to my old domain at rvon.com.

Thanks to Jamas I was also alerted to a typographical error in my notice that Peter Underwood contributed to the Hastings Report.

July 28th anniversary

As far as I know, Joseph Olding is the only BORLEY GHOST SOCIETY associate with plans to visit Borley for the 100th anniversary of the visit of the nun with the four Bull sisters. I will be sending him a Society T-shirt in recognition of his efforts.

Domesday Book

I've been trying to find a copy of the Domesday Book. This survey of William the Conqueror apparently mentions Borley as "Barlea." No, I am not looking for the original - anybody know where it is? - but I will settle for any reprint available. Ideas?

More reports from visitors

Two more reports have been added to the chapter titled "What others claim to have experienced at Borley." One visit only verifies what I have begged others to consider - the current residents live on private property, and have every right to be disgruntled by the constant bombardment of the curious. This continues to be a delicate situation, and I encourage all Society members to respect the current residents.

Letters to the Editor

Do you have any ghost book with a lot of pictures of ghosts in it? I'd like to find a way to explain why there is an appearance on a photo!!!
[Pat Cody was kind enough to post the following reply. By coincidence, each of her leads is to a BORLEY GHOST SOCIETY associate!]
I understand your interest in learning more about ghosts in photos. This is indeed a fascinating subject area. One good source of information ABOUT ghosts in photos and also OF ghosts in photos is a website. If you haven't found the website for International Ghost Hunters of America, put that name in a search engine. It will lead you to thousands of posted photos with anomalies in them, also to books and an online newsletter by the two people who head IGHS.
Another website that would help you is that for the American Ghost Society. You can find it through a search engine, too. This site makes NEW books about ghosts available online. Troy and Amy Taylor have a bookshop that specializes in new paranormal books. Troy has written several books himself, including a ghost hunter's guidebook. His books focus more on history of hauntings than ghost photos, but he will have many other books that fit your needs.
Good luck on this process of learning and investigating for yourself. It's a lifelong effort and worth doing. Pat Cody

Enlosed I send you the promised small extracts from two books about strange things. "Echte und unechte Geister" and "Englands Spukhaus Nummer Eins." When I was in Borley last summer, I made a video from the church and the village - I will send you a copy.
Birgit Brenner
[Thank you, Birgit. I'll see what I can do about posting segments from your tape on the web site.]

Issue # 19 is fascinating. The photos of the tunnel remind me of a much shorter one under the Treasurer's House in York. Not the best place for a person with claustrophobia! Much atmosphere, of course.
Pat Cody

Just a note to tell you what a great job I think you're doing with the upkeep of the Borley Newsletter. And, thank heavens for the Internet to help in its distribution...and to help the spread of Borley information.
Tom Ogden

I was there the other day and a brick came flying at me I crapped myself I was with Mike, Paul, and Gary Harding from Chelmsford. I'm never ever going there again. I wish it was just completely knocked down.
[It WAS completely knocked down - in 1944.]

Book reviews

Danke schoen, fraulein Birgit Brenner fur die Aufnahmen von das buch PHˇNOMENE. Das ist sehr gut.

My sincere thanks to Tim Chase for donating a copy of Haunted Houses For the Millions. It has a couple of pages on Borley, but unfortunately the references are somewhat skewed.

Colin Wilson supports Harry Price in his book Poltergeist. He believes "It would be of no advantage to him to pretend the Borley phenomena were genuine when they were not." A phantom funeral witnessed by Stephen Jenkins is tied to Borley through a common ley line. A sketch of one of the pall-bearers is the only drawing in this classic book

Still another book writes of the Rectory in the present tense. The Scary Howl of Fame has only one sentence, but leads the reader to believe the rectory is still standing.

Associate activities

"My interest in Borley will always remain undiminished, of course. I've always thought of my contribution to the Borley story as being that of a layman rather than as any sort of expert on psychic research. I have most of the books on Borley, including the reproduction of Price's famous original."
Ivan Banks

Wednesday, April 26, is the last day for the Art Bell radio program. Listen to the entire sound-bite. The show he created will continue as "Coast to Coast" with new announcers.

Amazon.com has announced a new book by associate Colin Wilson. "The Mammoth Book of the History of Murder: The History of How and Why Mankind Is Driven to Kill" Proving once again that fact is scarier than fiction, British writer Colin Wilson presents this seam-bursting collection of depravity through the ages. From Ivan the Terrible to Jack the Ripper to Ted Bundy, this haunting cast of characters will have you leaving the lights on all night. Organized by century and types of killers--assassins, pirates, serial killers, and the like--the book traces the evolution of crime within the context of greater societal changes. The author blames the birth of sex crimes on too much leisure time in the 19th century and credits big cities and their crowded conditions for the emergence of the modern serial killer. He also offers a whirlwind tour of torture and cruelty in answering the question, "What makes a monster?" Wilson is one of the most prolific and eclectic writers of our time, with more than 80 books to his credit on subjects as varied as existential fiction, philosophy, the occult, aliens, and the life of Aleister Crowley. Though often dismissed by critics as an obsessive crackpot, Wilson maintains a large following around the world due to his captivating, conversational writing style and ability to synthesize an impressive amount of esoteric information. "The Mammoth Book of the History of Murder" is an illuminating volume on a dark subject, written by a born storyteller.

Associate profiles

We have more than 45 profiles of BORLEY GHOST SOCIETY associates posted on the Internet.
Lori McDonald and her husband William have their own web site devoted to Alien/UFO Art Gallery, Ghosts & Metaphysics. You can join their UFO Research Society, sign up for copies of their newsletter, and look at several ghostly photos on-line.
Jesse Glass has now made the BORLEY GHOST SOCIETY truly global. Living in Japan, his membership means we now have associates around the world. Another writer, Jesse has his own web site.
For your information, we have 46 associates in the US, 43 in Great Britain, 5 in Canada, 4 in Australia, and one each in Switzerland, Norway, South Africa, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, Germany, and Japan.
If you would like a profile page made especially for you, just tell me a little about yourself and attach a JPG photo to an e-mail.


If you see a news article, magazine, or web site about Borley, or with an interesting take on ghosts and the paranormal, drop me a line and I'll pass it along. No, UFOs, please.

Special discounts

Make sure you visit the latest additions at www.ghostbbooks.com You will want to visit it often for the newest updates. This page changes rapidly - almost daily! As a member of the BORLEY GHOST SOCIETY, you are entitled to a 10 percent discount on all titles.


Send your feedback via E-mail. I'd love to hear from you.

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