28 August 2000 BGS Newsletter Issue 25

Welcome to the twenty-fifth edition of the Borley Ghost Society Newsletter.

Anniversary aftermath

In his latest letter to myself, Rev. Capt. Brian Sampson C.A. writes the following:
"...I thought you might like to know how things went then (28th July). It was a lovely evening but very few people turned up. One group decided to have a barbeque and worried me in case they set fire to the car park grass and then the field of corn growing next to it. They worried our local policeman because they had parked on the side of the road without having their car lights on after dark. Two older people arrived in a taxi about 7:30 p.m. and left in another taxi at about 11:00. Otherwise it was a few of the usual young people and I don't think they even knew about the date being special. I only spoke to two people all evening and it was all quite disappointing, and I came home at 11:00."
As you can see, this is a dramatic change to other events that have took place on 28th July in the past. It must have been a relaxing change for the locals.
Best Wishes
Joe Olding

Me and two friends visited Borley on the 28 July and managed to take some photos of the back of Borley church. Which when I got them developed show some very large orbs and some small orbs. I was wondering if you would like me to send you reprints of these photos for you website. If you would like a print I can forward you it with my order of the Borley church tape recording which I recently ordered. I am sure you will find them very interesting like we did. I have taken many photos in my time but never have I had any thing like this turn out. Two of them are quite large and one small one. The time was about 11pm. I only managed to take five picture because we were very intimidated by local youths from near by Sudbury who happened to show up and spoiled our night so we drove the two hours back home. When I read the local people are fed up with youths and vandalism I can understand what they must be going through, because I have had dealings with these idiots and vandals.
gary cooke
[One photo has been posted on the web site.

[In response to the question's in the last newsletter.]
1) Why on earth would 'couples' "charge around the churchyard......."?
I'm afraid it is part of the courtship ritual of the youths who take part. The expression that best describes their objectives is 'to scare the pants off' their date. the lads go there and set up staged 'hauntings' to impress their girlfriends. The 'Nun' is achieved simply by placing a jacket over the head. Groans, strange scents, and the sound of horses do not tax the ingenuity of the local population. I have spoken to octogenarians who admitted to doing similar things as children and adolescents (and we know that these pranks were going on all the way back to the Bull residency). Many a lark involved hiding in the hedge by the side of the road leading up to the church, and leaping out at the victim with a jacket over the head (to general hilarity, except for the victim).
2)Why, if these people are causing(criminal) damage, are the police unwilling to take action?
We have suffered a great reduction in local policing in the past five years. The local bobbies are now spending more time filling in forms and doing traffic work. The have closed several local police stations, in favour of centrallising at Braintree, half an hour's drive away. Unfortunately, crimes against property are now very low in their priorities, and there has been a great upsurge in crime, particularly in East Anglia. Our houses are, sadly, becoming like forts.
3)Why would the publication of a new article about the haunting always cause such mayhem to follow?
Because any such stories are taken up on radio and the local papers, and as the story gets copied round, it becomes more credulous and uncritical. In other words, it makes a better story.
4)Do you know what this new uncritical publication is, and what it says?
There have been several, I understand in the UK national press based on the '100th anniversary of the Nun's sighting'.. I'm afraid I cannot quote you chapter and verse as I cannot spend much time monitoring the press for them. They do not 'add value' to the study of the Borley Rectory phenomenon.
5)Why is this 'Essex resident' so certain about the alleged haunting being a result of 'gullibility and credulity'? Why is he/she so anti Harry Price?
I've lived close by for thirty years and I've lived in Essex and the borders for 51 years. I've spoken to many local people over the years, including several vicars of Borley, the residents of the coach-house from the early 60s, and several people who served in the choir, or worked at the rectory. I was friendly with Trevor Hall, and spoke at length with him about the details of his research. I have all the published books. I've followed several lines of research myself, and every time, the closer one looks at the facts, the more the alleged hauntings crumble into nothing. There is a strong tradition in the local area that Harry Price exploited the situation in order to make his books into best-sellers. One can understand why Harry Price injected sensationalism into his books, used suggestive language like 'as if by an unseen hand', and surpressed uncomfortable facts. It made a very readable and enjoyable book, but it was 'Faction', not 'Fact'. Ironically, both the Smiths and the Foysters hoped to get out of their financial difficulties by publishing books on the hauntings, but neither of them had the necessary journalistic skills or ruthlessness. Both were preempted by Harry Price. Trevor Hall's researches into Harry Price were eventually published, and speak for themselves. No, there is not much love lost for Harry Price in the area.
Andrew Clarke

Support Borley Village Hall

The wonderful full-colour print of Borley Church is now posted on the web site. The parish is selling prints for £35 in order to pay for the redecoration of the Village Hall. It is called the Rupert Brown Millennium print. I had an order within 48 hours of posting the picture - with no public announcement!

Thanks to Sir Simon Marsden

My sincere thanks to Sir Simon Marsden for providing a negative of his famous photo taken behind the church in 1974. I was not able to get a local photo shop to do it justice, but it looks quite a bit better than the copy I had posted on the web site earlier. Thank you!

Any BGS associates want to be on television?

I am working on a television show that is being developed for Fox called "Evidence of the Paranormal." Cosgrove-Meurer Productions ("Unsolved Mysteries") is producing the show for Fox. The show will feature various paranormal segments (UFOs, alien abduction, ghost, poltergeist sightings and experiences, psychics, etc.). Each guest will explain their paranormal experience and prove their claim to the studio audience. The in-studio audience will then vote for the guest who was the most convincing. The 'winner' will receive a significant sum of money. Would you be interested in appearing on our program?
Or can you suggest someone who has had a paranormal experience who may want to appear on our show?
We will pay for flight transportation and lodging expenses. Thank you very much for your consideration.
Karen Dola
phone: 818/348-3932
fax: 818/348-2751

Whither Donald Frederick Pratt Viall?

Thank you for the latest copy of the Borley Ghost Society newsletter. I found it very interesting.
It occurred to me that one of your members may be able to solve one Borley's minor mysteries. I enclose a copy of the 1931 electoral register for Borley. Before the War, you had to be over 21 in order to vote in the elections. The list also includes Borley Green which is about half a mile from the church. In 1932, a man called Donald Frederick Pratt Viall moved to Borley. He lived in several houses in the village, but in the last year Lionel and Marianne appeared on the list [1935], Viall was living at the rectory. I have never seen his name mentioned in any of the books. He died on the second of June, 1979.
It would also be interesting if any of your members have any information about Fred Cartwright, who is supposed to have seen the nun several times in 1927.
Alan Roper

General genealogy resources

Genealogist Peter Birchwood took only a few days to find my natural brothers for me in 1997. From his Celtic Research web site, he is now looking for leads into the Shaw line. Peter explains, "Although we are based in the United Kingdom we are able, through our extensive network of agents, to do research on an international level."
Here are a few genealogy resources on the Internet that may also be of help:

Letters to the Editor

I am a French screenwriter and I want to write a story around the life of Harry Price. I need more information about this book. And how many time to receive this book [Harry Price by Paul Tabori]?
Thanks for your answer.
st‚phane betbeder

Many thanks for BGS Newsletter 24 - most interesting as always. Re Michael Moatti's letter: Years ago, in the 60's I think, I contributed extensively to a French Pathe Television film on haunted houses with emphasis on Borley, including a visit to the area. I still have a copy of the film somewhere, I'll try and dig it out."

Glad to see that you are still maintaining the Web Site. It's too bad that so many uncouth visitors to the church area are causing so much distress to the village residents. We certainly had a kinder reception there in what was most likely Aug-Sep 1953 (vs the Apr-May that I'd thought for so long). If they've kept the guest books from that era then an exact date could be easily determined! I am especially glad that you are getting more images. The ones of the Waldegrave monument have the columns more massive than I recall, and I've no memory of so huge a decorated canopy over it. Could that have possibly been a more-recent addition to it? The area to the immediate right of it then didn't appear to be lit by any window(s) and had some memorial plaque(s) (well up) on the opposite wall. The exterior 1947 views come closest to what it seemed to be like in 1953. That is, less-ornately sculpted trees and somewhat overgrown with denser, unkempt lower-lying foliage. We made no attempt to go around to the "back" of the church - the front area seemed to have more than enough tombstones! Too bad that we didn't bring our 127 snapshot Brownie camera along with us that day!
Pat Dyer

I have recently [written] a book on Borley Rectory and am looking for a publisher. Do you recommend any publishers who would print this book? Thank you for your time.
Philip Lickley (Aged:14)

Having now also listened to AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE HAUNTING OF BORLEY CHURCH , it is very interesting. Some of the sounds are very similar to those we recorded the same year, and the phantom door is very similar to the noise we recorded of my Father opening and closing the main entrance door. S'funny - had we not witnessed the exact same phenomenon, I would be very skeptical!
Adrian Butcher

I have sent you some E-mail previously to this, and I said I would forward some strange photos which I had taken at Borley, over visits spanning the last 5 years. However, I am new to my computer, and have yet to work out how to send these to you. On my last visit, in May of this year, I set up a tape recorder in the church yard, fastening the microphone to the window, and basically left it taping, I returned later to turn the tape over, and then had another walk around the church grounds. This particular night, all the weather did was rain, and to be honest, although I hoped the taping idea would work, it seemed a long shot due to the weather. On the tape you can hear rain the whole way through, but I had a few sounds which I can't explain, bangs which sound to be inside the church, and then in at least three places some sounds which really shocked me. There is someone breathing very deeply and drawn out on it, and the noise is very loud on the tape at the side of the rain. I have to say, although I was hoping for something on the tape, this has scared me to death. I know there was no sign of any people anywhere near by, as I kept walking around, and then sat outside the church yard waiting for the tape to finish. You can also hear what sounds like whispering, and something being dragged about inside the church. I would really like you to listen to this tape, and tell me what you make of it. I have played the tape to a couple of friends, and it's really scared them!! Although I'm a bit more scared now, I strongly believed before that this place was weird, after numerous visits, but now I know for sure, there is something there!! Without a doubt! Is it possible to send the tape to you at all??? I do appreciate that you are busy, but I think this would surprise you as well. I am going again in September, and intend to do some more taping, and take some more photos, considering the fact that every time I've been something has happened, I hope it continues to do so (especially in September)!! I will try to get some help to get the photo's to you, I have a friend who knows a little bit more about computers so I will ask if she will help me do it, although all in all, there are about 10 strange pictures. I do hope to hear from you, and can't wait for you to listen to my tape!!
Kind Regards
Claire Louise Young

I was moved by your Internet description of searching for signs of your mother's survival ... a process I went through myself. Have you heard of a new medium named John Edward? I'm a retired psychologist/parapsychologist, and did extensive research on archive material from many of the best mediums ... Mrs. Leonard, Mrs. Piper, Rudi Schneider, etc. I'm working on a book about Eileen Garrett. John Edward is better than any of them at their best. I'm connected with him in no way, but am just astonished at the evidence he gets through. Have you had any experience with psychics? If so, I'd be very interested in your opinion of him. He's on the scifi channel Sun.-Thurs. at 11 PM [NYC time] and it repeats the next day at 4PM. Many thanks for your fabulous Borley web site! I've cited it as one of my favorite web sites in the Compuserve Toshiba forum, where I'm a sysop.
Best wishes,
Joan Healy
[There are a great many claimed psychics available, and I would not be able to visit them all on my very restricted retirement income. My work with Borley research takes up all of my time. I am not familiar with Mr. Edward.]

We've talked in the past about Borley Rectory. I am thinking about organising a 75 year later [from 1929] event about the rectory and it's continuing appeal to people from all over the world. Perhaps a get together of believers and un-believers for a forum and events around April 2004 at a nearby location to Borley - perhaps Sudbury? What do you think about this idea?
jeremy ainsworth
[Interested associates are encouraged to contact Mr. Ainsworth directly. As always, I ask that any such venture keep in mind the comfort of the current residents of Borley.]

I stumbled upon your website, and was totally amazed by it. It is obviously a work of love for you, and you are to be commended for our outstanding work. Could you please send me the 'smailmail' address so I can become a member. Again, thank you so much for your wonderful work. Bravo!
Susan Munsey

[In reference to ley lines and the flint of Borley acting like a radio receiver], Borley is built on Clay, like much of Essex and Suffolk. This was laid down on top of a thick deposit of chalk. There are gravel seams in the valleys, and many of the towns are built on these seams. (Clay is not the best substance to build a house on as it shrinks when it dries, and is almost impervious to water.) The houses and church are built so that the surface water drains away, though you will notice that the elaborate drains in the cellar of the original Borley Rectory give testament to the problems of the site. There is no natural stone anywhere near the surface, just flints, so the megalithic cultures left no megalithic monuments. The ice-ages left a few erratics. The bronze-age monuments were made of wood (See architectural reports of Flag Fen etc). There are no traces that we know about in Borley. Ley lines in East Anglia are by no means firmly established. There has been considerable occupation from the stone-age onwards, particularly in the valleys. The nearby Stour Valley has a lot of evidence of bronze age occupation. The pre-Roman roads were sometimes straight, particularly those laid down by the Belgic cultures, but most frequently followed the valleys where the seams of gravel were exposed so as to give a well-draining road surface. It is possible that there was an ancient track going northwards through Borley towards Foxearth , past the church and rectory site, and now indicated by rights of way. This may be Roman, as the area was a Colonia in roman times and intensively occupied by small holders. There are no other alignments of any significance in the area. There is no need to hypothesize any energy forces at Borley. Most local churches are made of flint and none are haunted, and to my knowledge, no regular churchgoers, choir-members, cleaners, grave diggers or undertakers at Borley have ever reported any strange phenomena there. In fact they report that they definitely have not!
p.s. your mothers' account pretty well destroys Harry Price's claim to responsible scientific method.
A resident.

Hello! I stumbled upon your wonderful website, and you are to be commended. It is truly a work of love. You have done a wonderful job of collection, and presented it is a clear concise manner.
Please send me the "snailmail" address so I can become a member. I am really intrigued. I have had a few "encounters" and I am very interested in the subject.
Thanks again for such a wonderful website. Bravo!
Susan Munsey

First of all I would like to take a moment to tell you just how impressive your web site is. This is quite probably the most information that I have read on the Borley Rectory. Great job!
My question for you is in regards to the picture [of the] Rectory before the fire. In the down stairs window (right side of the picture) there are two people that are in the window. It looks perhaps like a woman with her arm around a child. Who are these people?
I look forward to a response and again, great web site!
Julie Heifner
[Thank you. The people are unidentified. It could be any one of over a dozen children with a choice of several adults, including Henry Bull, his wife, a servant, a guest, or a visiting relative. It could also be leaves of the nearby bush.]

Bibliography updates

Brigit Brenner has found a German guidebook that mentions Borley. It looks like a reprint of a similar English version by John Brooks.

Jamas Enright has come through once again with another mention by Terrance Dicks. The youth mystery writer mentions Borley briefly in The Transylvanian Incident.

Associate activities

If any associate is working on a book, and you are not flush with money, I know a great writing coach who's getting raves from her clients on her help with their manuscripts. She tells me, "I really enjoy helping other writers achieve their dreams. It's a part of the job I didn't expect and enjoy very much." Contact published romance author and BORLEY GHOST SOCIETY associate Pat Cody

Sir Simon Marsden has a fascinating new book, Beyond the Wall. Composed after the collapse of the Berlin Wall, this unique photographic effort, "is a collection of outstanding photographs of palaces, castles, abbeys, statues, effigies and follies in these confiscated lands." Duncan McLaren contributes to the text.
Thanks to Kathy Rageur for the tip!

I've been busy on putting together material for a book on the folklore and hauntings of the Twin Territories (Oklahoma/Indian) and Oklahoma (after statehood). The going is slow, but well worth the time and effort. Thanks for the original email you sent me telling to "Go for it!" when I asked if you thought I could write a book on the paranormal.
Evelynne Ritter

Associate profiles

If you would like a profile page made especially for you, just tell me a little about yourself and attach a JPG photo to an e-mail.


If you see a news article, magazine, or web site about Borley, or with an interesting take on ghosts and the paranormal, drop me a line and I'll pass it along. No, UFOs, please.

Special discounts

Make sure you visit the latest additions at www.ghostbooks.com You will want to visit it often for the newest updates. This page changes rapidly - almost daily! As a member of the BORLEY GHOST SOCIETY, you are entitled to a 10 percent discount on all titles.


Send your feedback via E-mail. I'd love to hear from you.

Borley Rectory "home page"
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