217 South 16th Street, LaCrosse

My mother enjoyed large houses, and most of the many homes we lived in were larger than we needed. 217 South 16th Street was one of these larger homes, and in some respects may have reminded her of Borley - mulitiple staircases, stained glass windows, unused rooms.

There was a time when the heating bills were very high, which she addressed by modernizing the furnace, but the thermostat was still cranked up higher than normal. This may have been to suit my father more than my mother.

I was under the impression she bought this home for about $12,000 - although a mortgage paper that survives says $8000. She may have borrowed the balance. This was early 1964.

After my father died, she sold the property as quickly as possible. Fortunately, a nearby church had told her years earlier that when the time came, they wanted the property for a parking lot. (They bought the house, but did not tear it down.) It would appear the familiar problems with old debts followed her through the years my father lived. I believe, however, that she DID clear enough money to purchase her next home - a two bedroom cottage - for cash. That was 765 North Losey Boulevard in LaCrosse.