I've scanned this entry very carefully because it is a very important letter in several respects. While trying to advance to a better job, she may have supplied her age as "about" 46. She was 66, an incredible feat by itself as she worked over 25 more years. The college degree she talks about may have been a forgery - I no longer have it, but I did copy the essentials while handling it:
Wakefield College of Cambridge, London
Master of Arts, (High Order), January 7, 1939
Psychology, Emgish, Scriptures, Sociology, Humanities
The other key section is the LONG list of names of community leaders coming to her assistance to support her application.

Alice is her secretary at Family Service Association, who lived a block or so away from us, and who became a dear friend to my mother.

It ends with the start of a new thought. "I . . . . " and no signature. She had more to say, but tore the page out of the typewriter in a hurry, as if being interrupted.