If you cannot provide for your natural lives, how can you expect to have wisdom to obtain eternal lives? God has given you your existence-your body and spirit, and has blest you with ability, and thereby laid the foundation of all knowledge, wisdom, and understanding, and all glory and eternal lives. If you have not attained ability to provide for your natural wants, and for a wife and a few children, what have you to do with heavenly things?

Brigham Young

Embraced by the light

...I felt a surge of energy. It was almost as if I felt a pop or release inside me, and my spirit was suddenly drawn out through my chest and pulled upward, as if by a giant magnet. My first impression was that I was free. There was nothing unnatural about the experience.
...before I could move, three men suddenly appeared at my side. They wore beautiful, light brown robes, and one of them had a hood on the back of his head. Each wore a gold-braided belt that was tied about the waist with the ends hanging down. A kind of glow emanated from them, but not unusually bright, and then I realized that a soft glow came from my own body and that our lights had merged together around us. I was not afraid. The men appeared about seventy or eighty years old, but I knew somehow that they were on a time scale different than earth's...they were ancient...
They had been with me for "eternities," they said. I didn't fully understand this...Then I began to see images in my mind of a time long ago, of an existance before my life on earth, of my relationship with these men "before."

...The fact of a pre-earth life crystallized in my mind, and I saw that death was actually a "rebirth" into a greater life of understanding and knowledge that stretched forward and backward through time. And I knew that these were my choicest friends in that greater life and that they had chosen to be with me. They explained that they, with others, had been my guardian angels during my life on earth...
...I heard chimes, or distant bells, tinkling in the background - a beautiful sound I'll never forget. Darkness began to surround my being. The bed, the light by the door, the entire room seemed to dim, and immediately I was drawn up and into a great, whirling, black mass.

I felt as if I had been swallowed by an enormous tornado. I could see nothing but the intense, almost tangible darkness...Common sense told me that I should have been terrified, that all the fears of my youth should have risen up, but within this black mass I felt a profoundly pleasant sense of well being and calmness. I felt myself moving forward through it, and the whirling sound became fainter. I was in a reclining position, moving feet first, head slightly raised. The speed became so incredible that I felt light years could not measure it. But the peace and tranquility also increased, and I felt that I could have stayed in this wonderful state forever, and knew that if I wanted to, I could.

I became aware of other people as well as animals traveling with me, but at a distance...some who not moving forward as I, but were lingering in this wonderful blackness. They either didn't have the desire, or simply didn't know how to proceed. But there was no fear.

I felt a process of healing take place. Love filled this whirling, moving mass, and I sank more deeply into its warmth and blackness and rejoiced in my security and peace. I thought, "This must be where the valley of the shadow of death is."

I had never felt greater tranquility in my life.

I saw a pinpoint of light in the distance...As I approached it, I noticed the figure of a man standing in it, with the light radiating all around him. As I got closer the light became brilliant - brilliant beyond any description, far more brilliant than the sun - and I knew that no earthly eyes in their natural state could look upon this light without being destroyed...
There was no questioning who he was. I knew that he was my Savior, and friend, and God. He was Jesus Christ, who had always loved me, even when I thought he hated me. He was life itself, love itself, and his love gave me a fullness of joy, even to overflowing. I knew that I had known him from the beginning, from long before my earth life, because my spirit remembered him.

...I remembered the creation of the earth. I actually experienced it as if it were being reinacted before my eyes. This was important. Jesus wanted my to internalize this knowledge. He wanted me to know how I felt when the creation occured.

All people as spirits in the pre-mortal world took part in the creation of the earth. We were thrilled to be a part of it. We were with God, and we knew that he created us, that we were his very own children...Also, Jesus Christ was there. I understood, to my syrprise, that Jesus was a seperate being from God, with his own divine purpose, and I knew God was our mutual Father...
...We assisted God in the development of plants and animal life that would be here. Everything was created of spirit matter before it was created physically - solor systems, suns, moons, stars, planets, life upon the planets, mountains, rivers, seas, etc...
I saw that in the pre-mortal life we knew about and even chose our missions in life. I understood that our stations in life are based upon the objectives of those missions. Through divine knowledge we knew what many of our tests and experiences would be, and we prepared accordingly. We bonded with others - family members and friends - to help us complete our missions...
We were given agency to act for ourselves here...God made the promise that he wouldn't intervene in our lives unless we asked him...
I was actually relieved to find that the earth is not our natural home, that we did not originate here. I was gratified to see that the earth is only a temporary place for our schooling and that sin is not our true nature...
Above all, I was shown that love is supreme...
I was still in the presence of the Lord, with the warmth of his light still bathing me...I remained in his light, and the questions and answers continued. The dialogue between us had actually increased in speed and breadth until it seemed that every facet of existance could be covered...
To my surprise I saw that most of us had selected the illnesses we would suffer, and for some, the illness that would end our lives...All experience is for our good, and sometimes it takes what we would consider negative experience to help develop our spirits...Our deaths are also often calculated to help us grow...Some people choose to die in ways that will help someone else...
There are far fewer accidents here than we imagine, especially in things that affect us eternally. The hand of God, and the path we chose before we came here, guide many of our decisions and even many of the seemingly random experiences we have. It's fruitless to try and identify them all, but they do happen, and for a purpose...
I'll never forget the Lord's sense of humor, which was as delightful and quick as any here - far more so...
Still surrounded by light, Jesus smiled at me, and I felt his approval. He turned to his left and introduced me to two women who had just appeared...Jesus instructed the...women to escort me, and I felt their happiness at being with me. As I looked at them, I remembered them; they were my friends! They had been two of my close friends before I came to earth...
...As Jesus was about to leave me with them, I felt his amusement again, and he seemed to whisper to my spirit, "Go learn of things..."

The memory of that tour has been partially taken from me. I remember being taken into a large room where people were working...The room was beautiful. Its walls were made of some kind of substance, perhaps like a very thin marble, that let light come in, and in places I could see through it to the outside. The effect was very interesting and beautiful.

As we approached the people, I saw that they were weaving on large, ancient-looking looms. My first impression was "how archaic" to have manual looms in the spirit world. Standing by the looms were many spiritual beings, male and female, and they greeted me with smiles. They were delighted to see me and moved back from one of the looms to let me have a better look. They were anxious for me to see the workmanship of their hands. I went closer and picked up a piece of cloth that they were weaving. Its appearance was like a mixture of spun glass and spun sugar. As I moved the cloth back and forth, it shimmered and sparkled, almost as though it were alive. The effect was startling. The material was opaque on one side, but when I turned it over I was able to see thorugh it...The workers explained that the material would be made into clothing for those coming into the spirit world from earth...
We moved from the looms...and I went through many other rooms where I saw amazing things and wonderful people, but I have not been allowed to recall many of those details. I remember the feeling of traveling for days or weeks and never tiring. I was surprised at how much people like to work with their hands - those who want to. They enjoy creating devices that are helpful to others - both here and there. I saw a large machine, similar to a computer, but much more elaborate and powerful. The people working on this too were pleased to show me their work. Again, I understood that all things of importance are created spiritually first and physically second...
I was taken to another large room similar to a library. As I looked around it seemd to be a repository of knowledge, but I couldn't see any books. Then I noticed ideas coming into my mind, knowledge filling me on subjects that I had not thought about for some time - or in some cases not at all. Then I realized that this was a library of the mind. By simply reflecting on a topic, as I had earlier in Christ's presence, all knowledge on that topic came to me. I could learn about anybody in history - or even in the spirit world - in full detail...
As we went outside into the garden I saw mountains, spectacular valleys, and rivers in the distance. My escorts left me, and I was allowed to proceed alone...[The grass] was crisp, cool, and brilliant green, and it felt alive under my feet. But what filled me with awe in the garden more than anything were the intense colors. We have nothing like them.

When light strikes an object here, the light reflects off that object in a certain color. Thousands of shades are possible. Light in the spirit world doesn't necessarily reflect off anything. It comes from within and appears to be a living essence. A million, a billion colors are possible.

The flowers, for example, are so vivid and luminescent with color that they don't seem to be solid. Because of each plant's intense aura of light, it is difficult to define where the plant's surface starts and stops. It is obvious that each part of the plant, each microscopic part, is made up of its own intelligence...
As I approached the water, I noticed a rose near me that seemed to stand out from the other flowers...It was gently swaying to faint music...I realized that I could actually see it growing...As it developed before my eyes, my spirit was moved, and I wanted to experience its life, to step into it and feel its spirit. As this thought came to me, I seemed to be able to see down into it. It was as though my vision had become microscopic and allowed me to penetrate the rose's deepest parts. But it was much more than a visual experience. I felt the rose's presence around me, as if I were actually inside and part of the flower. I experienced it as if I were the flower...My joy was absolutely full again! I felt God in the plant, in me, his love pouring into us. We were all one!...
Into the garden came a group of spiritual beings...They surrounded me and I felt that they were gathering to celebrate a sort of graduation party for me. I had died (or graduated, as their term seemed to indicate), and they were there to greet me...
As I felt of their spirits, I realized that they were there to support me. My escorts, who continued to act as my guides, now told me that I had died prematurely and that this wasn't really a graduation party, but a time to show me what I would receive when I returned at the right time...
When we "die," my guides said, we experience nothing more than a transition to another state. Our spirits slip from the body and move to a spiritual realm...
...there are many levels of development, and we will always go to that level where we are most comfortable...
They told me that it is important for us to acquire knowledge of the spirit while we are in the flesh. The more knowledge we acquire here, the further and faster we will progress there. Because of lack of knowledge or belief, some spirits are virtual prisoners of this earth. Some who die as athiests, or those who have bonded to the world through greed, bodily appetites, or other earthly commitments find it difficult to move on, and they become earth bound....These spirits stay on the earth until they learn to accept the greater power around them and to let go of the world...
...I drifted away from the garden, escorted this time by two different beings of light who then became my guides. Our spiritual bodies floated away from my friends and into the blackness of space.

Our speed increased, and I felt the exhilaration of flight. I could do whatever I wanted, go wherever I desired, go fast - incredibly fast - or go slow. I loved the freedom. I entered the vastness of space and learned it was not a void; it was full of love and light - the tangible presence of the Spirit of God...
...I seemed to be gone for weeks, even months, visiting the many creations of God...I traveled tremendous distances, knowing that the stars I saw were not visible from earth. I saw galaxies and traveled to them with ease and almost instantaneous speed, visiting their worlds and meeting more children of our God, all of them our spiritual brothers and sisters...I knew that I had been to these places before...
...I saw that some of the righteous spirit children of our father in Heaven did not choose to come here to this earth. They have selected to stay as spirits with God and act as guardian angels for people here. I also understood that there are other types of angels, including a type called "Warring Angels." ...They were actually dressed like warriors, in head dress and armor, and I saw that they moved more swiftly than other angels...Nothing evil could daunt them...
...I learned that all thoughts and experiences in our lives are recorded in our subconsious minds. They are also recorded in our cells...these memories are passed down through the genetic coding to our children...I also learned that we do not have repeated lives on this earth; when we seem to "remember" a past life, we are actually recalling memories contained in the cells... attention turned to other spirits making preparations to go to earth. One exceptionally brilliant and dynamic spirit was just entering his mother's womb. He had chosen to enter this world mentally handicapped. He was very excited about this opportunity and was aware of the growth he and his parents would achieve. The three of them had bonded with each other and planned for this arrangement long before...
...I saw many lights shooting up from the earth like beacons. Some were very broad and charged into heaven like broad laser beams. Others resembled the illumintaion of small pen lights, and some were mere sparks. I was surprised as I was told that these beams of power were the prayers of people on earth.

I saw angels rushing to answer the prayers. They were organized to give as much help as possible...[God] knows our needs at all times and is simply waiting for an invitation to help us...he and his angels answer our prayers willingly. I saw their happiness in doing it...
...My escorts...led me from the garden to a large building. As we entered it, I was impressed with its details and exquisite beauty. Buildings are perfect there; every line and angle and detail is created to perfectly compliment the entire structure, creating a feeling of wholeness or inevitability. Every structure, every creation there is a work of art.

I was led to a room, which was exquisitely built and appointed. I entered and saw a group of men seated around the long side of a kidney-shaped of them spoke to me. He said I had died prematurely and must return to earth. I felt them saying it was important that I return to earth, that I had a mission to fulfill, but I resisted it in my heart. This was my home, and I felt that nothing they could say would ever convince me to leave it...
...Jesus stood not far from me, off to my right, still glowing in his brilliant light. He came forward now, and I felt his concern...He said to the council, "Let us show her what her mission involves." Then turning back to me he said: "Your mission will be made known to you so that you might make a clearer decision. But after this, you must decide. If you return to your life on erath, your mission and much of what you have been shown will be removed from your memory."

Reluctantly I agreed and was shown my mission.

Afterward, I knew that I had to come back...
[The Lord's] last words to me still ring in my ears: "The days of the earth are short. You will not be long there, and you will return here."

Betty J. Eadie
Embraced By The Light
(c)1992 by Betty J. Eadie
Gold Leaf Press
Placerville, CA

Chapter Twenty-Nine
