Paranormal Resources
Great Britain
- The Spiritualist Association of Great Britain
33 Belgrave Square
London SW1X 8QL
- The Spiritualist National Union
Redwoods, Stansted Hall
Stansted, Essex CM24 8UD
- The Greater World Christian Spiritualist Association
3 Conway Street
London W1P 5HA
- Psychic News
Spiritualist National Union
- Two Worlds
67 Plumstead High Street
London SE18 1SB
- The Ghost Club Society
c/o Peter Underwood
The Savage Club
1 Whitehall Place
London SW1A 2HD
- The College of Psychic Studies
16 Queensberry Place
London SW7 2EB
- The Unitarian Society for Psychical Studies
c/o Reverend Vernon Marshall
7 Greenhill Road
Moseley, Birmingham B13 9SR
- The Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena
c/o Specialist Knowledge Services
St Aldhelm
20 Paul Street
Somerset, BA11 1DX.England. - The London Society for Psychical Research
49 Marloes Road
London W8 6LA
- The British UFO Research Association
c/o John Spencer
Suite 1
2C Layton Road
Harpenden, Herts AL5 2TL
- The Noah's Ark Society
c/o Alan Crossley, Street Farrn House
Scole, Diss, Norfolk 1121 4DR
- Strange Phenomena Investigations (SPI)
41 The Braes, Tullibody
Alloa, Scotland FKlO 2TT
- Scottish UFO Research (SRUFO)
14 Relupas Gardens
Edinburgh, Scotland EH9 2PU
- Centre for Crop Circle Studies (CCCS)
20 Paul Street
Frome, Somerset BAl I 1DX
- Institute of Psychophysical Research
118 Banbury Road
Oxford OX2 6JU
- Paraphysical Study Group
International Parascience Institute
Cryndir, Nantmel
Llandrindod Wells, Powys LD1 6EH
- The Theosophical Society
50 Gloucester Place
London W1H 3HJ
- The British Society of Dowsers
Sycamore Cottage, Tamley Lane
Hastingleigh, Ashford
Kent TN25 5HW
- Society of Metaphysicians (Metaphysical Research Group)
Archers Court, Stonestile Lane
Hastings, Sussex TN35 4PG
- Ghostbusters UK
c/o Robin Furman, 4 Weelsby Road
Grimsby, South Humberside DN32 0PP
- The American Society for Psychical Research
4 West 73rd Street, New York
NY 10023
- The Parapsychology Foundation Inc.
228 East 71st Street, New York
NY 10021
- The Academy of Religion and Psychical Research
PO Box 614, Bloomfield
CT 06002
- The Central Premonitions Registry
Box 482, Times Square Station
New York, NY 10023
- The Division of Personality Studies
University of Virginia Medical Center
Charlotteville, VA 22908
Rhine Research Center
2741 Campus Walk Ave, Bldg #500,
Durham, NC 27705
- The International Association for Near-death Studies
Department of Psychology, University of Connecticut
Storrs, CT 06268
- The Mind Science Foundation
8301 Broadway, Suite 100
San Antonio, TX 78209
- The Parapsychological Association Inc.
PO Box 12236, Research Triangle Park
NC 27709
- The Parapsychology Institute of America
42--47 78th Street, Elmhurst
New York, NY
- The Psychical Research Foundation
Psychology Department, West George College
Carrolton, GA 30118
- The Psychophysical Research Laboratories
301 College Road East, Princeton
NJ 08540
- The Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship
10189 Winner Road
Independence, MO 64052
- The Institute of Parapsychological Studies
5740 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario M2N SSI
- The Spiritual Science Institute of Toronto
801 St Clair Avenue West
Toronto, Ontario M6C 1C2
- Australian Institute of Psychic Research
PO Box 445, Lane Cove
NSW 2066
Canberra Spiritualist Association Inc.
PO Box 365
ACT 2602
- The Indian Foundation for Parapsychology
Andhra University
Waltair, AP
- The Japan Psychic Science Association Inc.
No. 161 1 12-12 Kamiochiai
Shinjuku-Ku, Tokyo
- The South African Society for Psychical Research
PO Box 23154, Joubert Park
Johannesburg 2044
- Institut fuer Grenzgebiete der Psychologie und Psychohygiene e.V.
Wilhelmstr. 3a
D-79098 Freiburg, Germany
- Institut Metaphysique International
1 Place Wagram
75017 Paris, France
- Group d'Etudes et de Recherches en Parapsychologie
8 rue Octave Dubois'
95150 Taverny, France
- Institut fur Grenzgebiete der Psychologie und Psychohygiene
Eichhalde 12
D 7800 Freiburg, Germany
- Associazione Italiana Scientifica di Metapsichica
Via S. Vittore 19
20123 Milano, Italy
- Parapsychology Laboratory
University of Utrecht, Sorbonnelaan 16
3584 CA Utrecht, Netherlands
- Instytut Wydawniczy Zwiazkow Zawodowych
Towarzystwo Psychotroniczne
ul. Noakowskiego 10 m 54 Warszawa, Poland
- Sociedad Espanola de Parapsicologia
Belen 15, 1 Derecha
Madrid 4, Spain
- more to come....
Tell me about other resources dealing with spiritual phenomenon.