Borley church yard - May 29, 1999
photo by David Bamber

"Notice the figure standing between the smaller tree and the hedge to the extreme right. A figure in white against a dark background. The photograph is frame number 9. The frame before this one - 8 - was taken just seconds before, shows the same area without the figure present. We are absolutely certain no-one else was present [and] I was paying particular attention to what I was photographing. Had there been a person standing there, I would certainly have noticed."

Photo enhanced by Tim Faithfull. "The figure seems to bear more than just a coincidental resemblance to the image of Harry Price in his lab coat - looks a similar height and build. With the extra contrast it is also possible to make out some facial features which in the original appeared as just a blur. It could also easilly be a robed monk - either way, from the enhanced quality it is safe to say that this is definately a figure."