Associate Lin Fisk

I am a 54 year old native Texan. I have been interested in ghosts, hauntings and phenomena since I was a teenager when I saw my first apparition. I have seen more since then in various states and countries.

I have read about Borley and have seen various TV shows about it. I found your web page and was very impressed with the history and documentation.

One of the funny things is . . . . the first person on your list of members is one of my favorite authors, Colin Wilson.

I enjoy history, especially pre-1900 United Kingdom history. I am a Jack the Ripper reader and enjoy true crime stories along with my ghosts.

I have read and enjoyed most authors from Hans Holzer to present day researchers. I am currently reading a copy of the Lord Halifax's Ghost Book.

I would love to get more into the paranormal research and hope to find time later. Right now I am enjoying Cub Scouts with my 9 year old son. I would like to travel to any and all ghost towns, haunted houses and places.

Lin Fisk