associate Roger Flanagan

Roger Flanagan

I was born in 1955. I was told about Borley back in 1965 by my father but I did not understand what it was all about at the time.

The place that I was born at was haunted and my father could see and speak to the dead! It did frighten me at the time, but I did settle down and you could say that I accepted ghosts for what they are and I don't fear them anymore.

The house still stands but not many people will stay in it!

Years have gone by and I have been going out ghost hunting. I investigated the Belgrave Hall haunting, but I think that was a case of wishfull thinking(?)

I saw Borley Rectory on the Internet and decided to check it out. I have been to Borley many times now, and I find it a wonderful place with lots of unexplainable things. I joined the Borley Ghost Society so that I could learn more about the place.

I am a security guard, and I am often called upon to use my eyes and ears. I think that's what helps me when I go ghost hunting.

If you go to Borley please think about the few people that live there, and respect the dead because one day you will be dead too!