1 April 2002 BGS Newsletter Issue 45

Welcome to the forty fifth edition of the Borley Ghost Society Newsletter. No foolin,' it's the first of April, and until further notice, those joining the Society will receive a free copy of The Most Haunted House in England (plus S&H). This will be a sealed box of the 1990 Time-Life reprint. Inside, it looks exactly like the original. There never was a second-printing of the original, due to WWII printing restrictions. Current associates who do not yet have a copy, may pick one up for only $10 (plus S&H).

Queen Mum

Yes the Queen Mother really was a Grand Old Lady. I think that she was most people's idea of what a Grandmother should be. The affectionate way she was called the "Queen Mum" said it all.
Maureen Shaw

Web site updates

Since the last edition of the newsletter, a new page on the Internet web site describes Recent changes and additions. Here are the latest.

Letters to the Editor

PLEASE HELP! I work in a hotel in Cheshire called The Old Hall, it was built in 1654. Recently we have started building work on it and there has been alot of sightings, ranging from cats to hooded black figures, the staff in the hotel are starting to get really spooked now please can you help. We would like somebody to come down and see if you can get anything on film. Would you please E-mail me back. Many thanx
lisa wynne

I am a professional researcher in parapsychology, now at Gothenburg University and last summer out of curiosity I visited Borley. I was actually given a friendly reception by the husband of the current warden of the church ( I do not recall his name but I believe he was former major. As I am sure you know he does not believe in nor has he experienced any paranormal events associated with Borley.) I recently read Louis Mayerling´s book We faked the Ghosts of Borley but I am uncertain how much if any of it, is true. I heard through Guy Playfair that you wrote a critical review of this, I am most curious to read this and would be thankful if you could send this to me.
Adrian Parker Associate Professor,
Department of Psychology,
University of Gothenburg,
Gothenburg, Sweden
[The book is pure fiction. You may read my review - plus many others at Mayerling Documents If you have any other questions or comments, please feel free. :)

Racontez moi toutes les histoires vraies, arrivées, dans les domaines ou églises hantées mais en français, je raffolle de ces histoires. Vous pouvez aussi parler pour moi, à ces fantômes, pour qu'ils repoussent de chez moi, des fous, des voyous. - Tell me all the true stories, arrived, in the fields or haunted churches but in French, I raffolle of these stories. You can also speak for me, with these phantoms, so that they push back at home, of insane, of the hooligans.
[Translations from Dictionary/Translator.com]
[Thank you very much for your message. My French is not good enough to write frequently. We agree the hooligans are unwanted. I will give your message to associates of the BORLEY GHOST SOCIETY. Have a good day. - Merci infiniment de votre message. Il n'est pas assez bon écrire mon Français fréquemment. Nous convenons que les voyous sont n/ns désiré. Je donnerai votre message aux associés de la SOCIÉTÉ d'cOrdinateur DE SECOURS de BORLEY. Ayez une bonne journée.]

Modelling the rectory [via 3-D graphics] is indeed going to be quite a challenge. My primary concern about a Borley Rectory walk through model is the quality of the rendering. I will proceed with modeling Borley Rectory using the light version of the software on the www.greatbuildings.com [web] site.
Would you happen to know how high the rooms were and how much space was between the ceiling of the ground floor and the floor of the first floor?
Also, I plan to model rectory, cottage, church circa 1930. Less data to be concerned with as opposed to later improvements. I would like to see how Mr. Cooper saw rectory courtyard from his 2nd(?) floor bedroom in carriage house with respect to path of ghost nun. Also, I want to get a roughy for what he saw with respect to ghost coach in field by church if I remember this correctly.
Scott Cunningham
[Can our associates help?]

A friend of mine that accompanied me on my visit [2 March 2002]. . . . was using a 35mm camera . . so the cameras can not be at fault for these images. Please bare in note that the top photo of these was taken only seconds after my one was taken with my Digital camera. . . Please let me know of any comment you may have on them.
Gary Cooke

I am a French Journalist. Can you give me the adress of Borley (Sussex or Suffolk)? I write an article about the haunted house in france.. In a magazine: Marie France (French group of press "Marie Claire"). Dates July or August 2002... May be... But i am a little "septic" about the reality of ghosts, perhaps poltergiest ?...But i just want to have a look on the english gosts... For the england, I just put the name of the city and some words about it..
Thank You
Guy de Boiville
[I would love to see your article when it is finished, and add it to my Bibliography. Let me know if there is any way I can help.]

The disks have arrived! [Fifteen Months in the Most Haunted House in England and The Most Haunted Woman In England ] How wonderful it is to be able to whizz around the material at speed rather than download each page in slow agonising succession. And the material is wonderful, and interesting (e.g. diary of occurences, Arles is referred to as Pearless.) I recommend it to everybody. Worth five times what you charge.
Andrew Clarke

Nineteen years ago, I turned down a Paranormal Investigation trip to the grounds of Borley Rectory (though I do have a tape recording made of this trip that I missed out on). I always wish I had gone - but though my curiosity about this place was founded long before this, it has been fuelled since by the stories and legends I still hear about the place. Your site is amazing - and I would love to put a link from my (WitchCraft) site to yours. What I found most wonderful, was the insistence and drive behind the wonderings of Borley reflected in your pages- to remind people that though this seems to be a haven for paranormal activity, it is still a place where people live locally. The interest you have given me is more than sated by the wealth of information held within your site. Thanks Again!
Sheleen Hems

Im a member G.I.U I don't know if you have heard of it but it is a group that studies the supernatural pheonomanons of the past and present world, do you think you could send me any ghostly pictures or tell me any information on strange things that have happened.
Thanx, John Faye
[Please refer to What others claim to have experienced.]

i love ur site i think it is the best site well anyway i just wanted to tell u how much i love ur website! i was doing a report for school on haunted houses and i came across the borley rectory in a book and so i went online and searched for the borley rectory. ur website was at the top of the list and so i picked that one and it was urs. i took a tour of ur website and i thought ur website was preety cool so i went to it for further info and i think i got an a+ on my report. so i just wanted to thank u for ur website and i really learned a lot about the borley rectory.

Congratulations on a very unique website. I visited Borley a few years ago, and noticed how uncanny the silence predominated the surroundings. Having read a few of the emails you have received, it seems that people have varying experiences when visiting the area. Some people seem to be more receptive to paranormal experiences than others, and the skeptics with their blinkered thinking have all the answers. Like Borley and the experiences it has to offer, silence on what one may have seen or heard there remains within ones self. I first became very interested in Borley Rectory when I came across a very old book which showed a photograph and brief history of the area, including the experiences of Harry Price. I was living in England at the time, and having read in depth books on parapsychology became extremely interested in Borley. Probably like yourself I have had various psychic and paranormal experiences, which I have remained silent about except to discuss them with people who have likewise mentioned to me their trusted experiences in passing. When visiting Borley I felt that a portal had been opened for certain people to experience within themselves, a need to be part of something where we had walked before. Someday soon I hope to return for a visit, but probably like yourself, you have already found the answers which many cannot ascertain. I will follow your website with much interest, thank you once again for your reply.
Kindest regards
Anthony Newell, Canada

I'm from Texas in the USA and I am very interested in this place. What kind of stuff goes on? And is there anyone I and my teacher could stay the night there?
Brent Adams
[Sorry, but the rectory burned down in 1939, and was razed completely in 1944. The residents of the current homes have made no accomodations for visitors and do not allow camping.]

Please reserve 1 BORLEY RECTORY: the final analysis by Edward Babbs. Like many Borley fans I read about ghosts when I was a kid (I'm 40 something). And Borley seems to rear its head whenever ghost stories are concerned. Then about a year ago (in 2001) I did a search for "The Haunting of Hill House" on the Internet and the Borley Rectory web site popped up. I've been studying Borley Rectory since then.
Thank You
WJ Cornelieus

I have recently been searching through your sight, for i am doing a very descriptive mystery peice for school. I came across this picture of a coat on the back of a door. I wasn't very interested, then. But i was looking through for the second time and come across some information a bout a coat being seen or something, i have tried to find the picture once more time. But have been unsuccessful. I am wondering if the picture of the coat on the back of the door, and the one that was seen as a ghostly figurement, are one of the same. I have searched a third time through your sight and are still unable to find the picture of it. and was wondering if you knew how i could get to it and if you had anymore information about this piece of clothing. Or any onther information that may help me in my assignment. I would be very much greatfull for a respndance, of some kind. I thank you for your generis time, and would much appreciate your help.
[later] Thank you! I have recently done a speech for one of my major classess, on the Borley Rectory. I received very pleasing results due to the help from the Borley rectory sight and some additional information that i received. I thank you alot. For all of your dear help. it's meant alot to me. With my speech I changed alot of veiws, about poletergeist and hauntings, from the people in my class. And the veiws of my very highly expectated teacher. Thank you so much, for all your help, it is very appreciated.
p.s. I think that a page for comments and questions would really improve your sight. Just a thought.
Your sight has helped me so much.
[Both are provided. Look for Frequently Asked Questions and Comments and e-mail. The only coat I know about is one that mysterioulsy appeared during the Harry Price investigation of 1937. It is Number 28 on this list from the "Locked Book." Don't forget to go through the Bibliography - you will find a great deal of information there. When you get done, if you send me a copy of your report, I will post it on the Internet!]

Please could you kindly let me know if there are any video's, or audio cassettes available on any aspect of the Borley hauntings? I have been fascinated about the 'going on's' at Borley, ever since my school chum told me his dad was taking him to see the site of the most haunted house in England at the weekend and did I want to join them? We were 11 at the time and now I'm the wrong end of forty! I work in Sudbury once a week and never miss a visit to the church, but to respect the local residents, I park at Rodbridge and simply walk past the old site and church, not even stopping. Just looking! The only thing that spoils the area now, is the fact that motorist's use this road to by-pass Sudbury and whenever I walk a car passes each way every two minutes!
Nick Chaplin
P.S. Truly, a wonderful website
[Borley has been the subject of many television programmes, but no footage exists from when the rectory was still standing. Look over the "television" section of the Bibliography. There is a remarkable tape available made in the curch!]

Would you be able to let me know when that new Borley Rectory Book comes in? "Borley Rectory:the final analysis". I am looking forward to its release. I will buy it from you,just keep me posted as i would really appreciate it.
Kevin Surace

I'd like to reserve a copy of this book -- let me know when to pay, and how much. Loved the latest newsletter -- it had much thought-provoking information, especially Andrew Clarke's two essays on "The Demented Female" and "Legless at Borley Rectory." He has a gift for careful analysis of the facts, and presenting intelligent conclusions. I'd love to read any books or articles he may have written, and hope that he does one day publish his evaluation and verdict on the Borley hauntings.
The photo taken by Gary Cooke is very typical of the "ectoplasm" photos that serious students of spirit photography judge as genuine. Whether a picture of an actual ghost, or some strange effect of film, lighting or fog, it strikes me as suggestive of some entity -- reminiscent of the black, cloaklike "thing" in the movie, "The Frighteners."
I also greatly enjoyed your recent essay on communication -- with delightful illustrations, no less! You've touched on the key, I think, which is paying careful attention to what is being said to the listener. If living folks have so much trouble getting their point across, imagine how it might be for the spirits of the departed to do so. I am currently reading an absolutely fascinating new book called "Ghost: Investigating the Other Side," by Katherine Ramsland. It has more first-hand information on trying to photograph and communicate with spirits than any other book I've found (and it's fun to read, too). I recommend it highly. Katherine Ramsland is a decidedly sceptical journalist/psychologist who is given a ring which is claimed to be haunted. She spends the entire book trying to discover if that is true or not, and whether or not ghosts actually do exist. I haven't finished it yet, so I don't know what her final conclusion is, but she is certainly having some remarkable experiences.
Thanks again for all you do. The new design for the website looks very good -- I'll enjoy poking around there, looking at the links and new organization.
Linda Cody

A few weeks ago I bought a very interesting video tape called "Ghosts & Witches of Olde England" from Amazon.co.uk. I think it will be an informative and interesting video for the BGS-members. Unfortunately there's nothing mentioned about BORLEY and I wonder why because almost everyone who is interested in the supernatural has sometimes and somehow heard or read about BORLEY. And BORLEY is known as the most haunted place at least in England. But nevertheless I agree with the text on the cover of the video which reads as follows. 'It's a fascinating venture into the world of the paranormal.' It's worth to buy this video tape.
A lot of mysterious greetings from Germany
Birgit Brenner

I am trying to find out more about Richard Whitehouse with respect to his knowledge of the rectory’s wall writings. I asked the local inter-library loan librarian to try to find Mr. Underwood’s “Examination of the Borley Report” to study his interview with Mr. Whitehouse. However, the librarian couldn’t find Mr. Underwood’s document anywhere. Do you know how I might get hold of Mr. Underwood’s interview with Mr. Whitehouse? It appears that Mr. Whitehouse made notes about Borley Rectory. If so, are his notes available?
Scott Cunningham
[It is impossible to find a copy at the library. I have reproduced it on the web site. The entire record is also on my web site. I have posted everything that is available from Edwin.]

Associate activities

The Washington State Ghost Society is proud to announce that we are now accepting nominations for the Harry Price Award. This trophy and web banner will be awarded to that group or individual who in a given year has excelled in the area of paranormal research. The winning candidate will be decided by the WSGS Board of Directors. The candidates will be judged on furthering education of the paranormal, developing protocols, advances in equipment, working to standardize the field in either techniques or definitions, gathering of evidence, techniques and studies that assist in acquiring meaningful evidence. The award will be granted each October 31st. Please feel free to publish this or forward this letter to anyone who might want to submit a candidate for to be reviewed for nomination of this award.
Henry Bailey

VENICE-CITY OF HAUNTING DREAMS has now been published in the UK , Italy & the USA. An exhibition of photographs from the book, and other images of Simon Marsden's work are currently showing in London. For further details see www.simonmarsden.co.uk

Associate profiles

Peter Quiller accompanied Denny Densham to the church during the 1974 tapings.

If you would like a profile page made especially for you, just tell me a little about yourself and attach a JPG photo to an e-mail.


Hunter stalks ghosts in Ben Lomond Hotel

If you see a news article, magazine, or web site about Borley, or with an interesting take on ghosts and the paranormal, drop me a line and I'll pass it along. No, UFOs, please.


Send your feedback via E-mail. I'd love to hear from you.

Borley Rectory "home page"