1 January 1999BGS NewsletterIssue 4

Welcome to the fourth edition of the Borley Ghost Society Newsletter. With less than 365 days left until the new millennium, it will be fun to usher in the next century with our friends. Yes, I know there is an argument about when the next century really begins, but I like round numbers, and will celebrate with the majority. What are Society members doing to prepare for Y2K? Is your personal computer compliant? Do you have flashlights ready in case the computer at the power company has a glitch handling the rotation to 2000? It will be the middle of winter, so what will you do if the gas company has problems with its computers and there is no heat? OR, is the Y2K bug a bunch of malarkey and life will go on uninterrupted?

Those of you familiar with the mysterious search for my identity know that it took me almost fifty years to uncover the Legend of Borley and my adoption. Since 1994, I have devoted all my efforts to researching both. During the first couple years of my initial discovery, new surprises seemed to arise every six weeks. I was constantly in shock - if not amazement. After a time, the new discoveries calmed down a bit and only showed up every six months or so. Lately, it has been quite a while between major discoveries. If you read the last Newsletter carefully, you saw a letter from Maureen Shaw that I casually dropped in without comment. Maureen says she is the daughter of Ian Shaw, Marianne's natural son. She has called me on the phone a couple of times - always generous to make sure the time difference doesn't catch me in bed - and we have tried to fill in the gaps. We are both surprised that no researcher - including Trevor Hall -ever dug up this long lost niece! Revelations like this no longer leave me breathless and in need of a walk to regain my equilibrium. I can only wonder, 'What next?"

Your feedback is essential to this venture, and I encourage everyone to make this a two way association. Be sure to read all the pages all the way, as links to other pages will appearwithin the text of original documents. For example, in this month's essay, you will find separate contributions by Rosemary Ellen Guiley and Pat Cody - but only if you read the complete essay and link whenever you see blue type. If you have a comment on anything, or want to contribute, send me an e-mail message.

Coincidences, rectors, and ghostly candidates

Check out the new page I added to the web site outlining all the coincidences wrapped around the Borley Legend and myself. Included on this list is the detail my son Sean named his first baby - my first grandchild - Emma Marie. The given name of my birth mother was Kate Helen Emma, a fact Sean did not know.
There are also new pages outlining all the rectors and all the candidates for the ghosts. The list of rectors is incomplete, so I will appreciate any help I can get filling in the holes.

Exclusive Print and New Books

John Mason has agreed to give exclusive distribution rights to a beautiful infrared print he took of Borley Church. These prints are a limited special edition, signed by the photographer. Beautiful!

My second web site, www.ghostbooks.comis now an authorized agent for EDC Publishing. Watch for several Usborne Books scattered throughout the site, including GHOSTS - Hotshot 17, HAUNTED WORLD, POLTERGEISTS, VICTORIAN GHOST STORIES, and World of the Unknown - GHOSTS,which has a map and pictures of Pluckley - the most haunted village in England. These are wonderful paranormal books for younger readers - and the not so young!

A limited number of the following ghost books have been added to Each is available at an additional 10 percent off to BORLEY GHOST SOCIETY associates.

HANS HOLZER'S TRAVEL GUIDE TO HAUNTED HOUSES. by Hans Holzer. 224 pages. Illustrated. Black Dog and Leventhal. One hundred and one houses, ships, castles, and forests around the world, with details on how to find them. Includes information of where to stay while visiting. A background story on each haunting is incorporated.
New $12.95

HOLY GHOSTBUSTER. A Parson's Encounter's With the Paranormal. by J. Aelwyn Roberts. Element paperback. 175 pages. No, this is not the long-awaited diary of Lionel Foyster of Borley Rectory, but the story of a reverend from North Wales who describes a life time of experiences with the other side. Published at $12.95
New $7.95 paperback.

THE TEENY TINY GHOST by Kay Winters. An illustrated delight for young children. Harper Collins, 8 by 10. A small ghost wants to be scary but just can't manage it until some older ghosts pay a visit. Published at $14.95.
New $9.95

BORLEY GHOST SOCIETY members also receive discounts on books, music, videos and gifts from Two of my sons were each able to send gifts to relatives this last Christmas from this online magician. Their presents were gift-wrapped, and arrived in time! From now on, there will be a convenient link tothis marvelous online service in each newsletter as well as on our Welcome page.

New web sites

Whilst trawling about in search of anything related to Borley, I stumbled across an Internet website talking about a movie from Living Spirit Pictures called An Urban Ghost Story. The movie is"Based upon several documented poltergeist cases in the UK," including Borley Rectory. It also draws upon the Belmez Faces On The Floor, and The Enfield Poltergeist. The screenplay is even available for download.. The star is Heather Ann Foster as LIZZIE FISHER - an odd coincidence since my mother married a Fisher just prior to leaving Borley! Other cast members include Jason Connery as JOHN FOX, Stephanie Buttle as KATE FISHER, Andreas Wisniewski - DR QUINN, James Cosmo - THE MINISTER, Nicola Stapleton - KERRIE, Elizabeth Berrington - MRS ASH, and Alan Owen - ALEX FISHER. The name "Kate" is also part of the Borley Legend - and my own history (my bio-mother was Kate).
Part of the plot sounds familiar - "Kate's only help is a newspaper journalist from the local press with his own hidden agenda - he brings in all manner of 'experts' - parapsychologists, spiritualists, Christians - all of whom offer their services whilst championing their own individual theories for the unexplained phenomena."
If any associate of the BORLEY GHOST SOCIETY is familiar with this picture, please let me know.

Adrian Butcher has created a Borley page on his web site. He visited the church in 1974 and got some interesting sounds which he shares. Unfortunately, my computer can't handle the longer sound files - it continues to crash. I use America On Line as my Internet Service Provider since I have a contract with them. (I built an American Sign Language site used in online classes.) I have a P90 with a 33.6 modem. Java often crashes my machine, and Adrian uses this fancy programming language on his site. Try some of the shorter files first, and give it a try. Adrian tells me, "I also have an odd photograph taken in our visit in 1974. It was of the Waldegrave monument and was taken with an 'Instamatic' camera, an orange glow appears in the picture. I suspect it may be just a chemical fault, although I have seen nothing like it before or since. Seems odd that the fault should pick Borley to show itself!"
As many of you know, I am torn when it comes to creating a public presence about Borley. On the one hand, it is part of my heritage and I am keen to investigate every corner of it. On the other hand, I hate to think of the unwanted tourists my publicity is encouraging. (See my comments to visitors.) Adrianen endears himself to me when he posts the following on his web site - "the local residents are understandably fed-up with ghost-hunters and keep the Church locked. To respect the privacy of the local community I wouldn't advise traveling to Borley to visit the Church - get a book on the subject from your local library instead."


I am grateful to Neil Purling for sending me a1985 photography magazine with a rarephoto taken at the churchyard. This magazine was only distributed for a short while to owners of certain cameras, so I doubt many people have seen this picture of a summer "mist."

One of my most annoying traits - witnessed several times by Nick Rowland - is my inability to see what is right in front of me. The prime example of this is my adoption paper, which I ignored for decades. I also ignored a blurb in the back pages of the Spring and Summer 1998 Ghost Club Society News. It has a book review of Ghosts and the Supernatural by Colin Wilson. Now, I will have to work hard to obtain a copy of the book - it mentions Borley - because it is already out of print! Botheration.

After over a year of trying, I finally got a paperback copy of The Borley Rectory Incident by Terrance Dicks. It is fiction for young teens by a writer who has contributed several volumes to the Dr. Who series.

Thanks to Maureen Shaw for loaning me her copy of Marvels and Mysteries: Ghosts. This is the same material published in at least two other books. This is the reference that got Maureen interested in Borley, which led her to my web site, which led her tome.......

Karen Stevens set off a chain reaction that kept me busy for quite some time. She traded a copy of The End of Borley Rectory with me so I could look at a mysterious photo. (Discussed in newsletter #3.) Well, there was also a newspaper article pasted into the book written by Philip Paul, the bloke who dug around Borley from 1954 to 1956. As I entered that article into my bibliography, I had to check out his book Some Unseen Power to see if I could find a date for the newspaper article - the date and publication had been cut off. I didn't solve that dilemma, but while digging through the book, I ran across a ton of information Ihad not yet recorded.
First was the description of how unruly the crowds were during the installation of the new rector when Reverend Henning died. Obviously, I had to add that observation to my plea to visitors to behave themselves.
Next was the exposure of James Turner as Henning's typist during the preparation of Haunted Borley. He had previous only been known as "Mr. Brown."
Next was a newspaper article in the East Anglian Daily Times for July, 1955. It combines the appointment of a newrector, Reverend Edward Lanfrane Morgan Mathias, with resumption of digging by Philip Paul.
Next was a brief quote in the Evening Standard asking BBC reporter Michael Henderson whether he believed in ghosts after filming "Panorama"segment with Philip Paul, Ethel Bull, etc. His reply was, "I do now."
Next was an article in Two Worlds wherein a seance audience heard a "Spirit Message from Harry Price." This, in turn, led to an article by Louis Mayerling wherein one of the sitters - Maurice Barbanell - is described as becoming interested in religion after the seance.
Next was one sentence telling me there had been an Independent TV interview with Paul.
Next was a lengthy analysis of the BBC program "Panorama" shown October 31, 1956. I learned a little bit more about this 15 minute segment featuring Philip Paul, Ethel Bull, and others that I had originally overlooked in my initial review.
Next was a letter to Paul from one of his diggers complaining he had not been mentioned on the television program.
Next was a series of letters between Paul and Thurston Hopkins debating the picture the photographer took for the January 1 1955 Picture Postarticle. Sorry, I cannot show you that photo, as my resource is only a photocopy.
Last was an article by Tony Cornell describing a seance wherein Mrs. Paul presented a "highly dramatic trance-style acting" performance. That was taken as a slur by Mr. Paul who wanted to sue, but who dropped the idea after Cornell sent a reassuring letter.
All that because of one small newspaper clipping! I don't expect any but the purists to follow all these references, but you now have the complete updates to the bibliography.


From time to time, members of the Borley Ghost Society will have exclusive access to articles I will be writing about Borley and/or the paranormal.

This month we will look at "Are Ghosts For Real?" Watch for blue type, as these hyper-links will lead to contributions by other BORLEY GHOST SOCIETY associates. These essays are designed to provoke thought, and I welcome your input! You can even write an essay of your own, if you like, and it doesn't have to be on anything previously discussed. I am offering you an opportunity to see your work in print - on the web.

Letters to the editor

Dear Mr O'Neil;
"We traveled to Borley at ten o'clock on a Friday morning in September of 1995 armed with cameras and tape recorders......the photographs turned out to be a bit of a let down, apart from one photo that I took of the church. The frame in question appears quite normal at first glance, but on further inspection I noticed a strange hazy image in front of one of the grave stones....that I think looks remarkably like HARRY PRICE."
David Bamber
NOTE: Clairvoyant Lilian Bailey received a message from Price saying, "The rectory is definitely haunted. Borley will prove itself and I will be vindicated, even if I have to go there and manifest myself."

Dear Vincent,
"I became interested in the Borley story as a child, I have always been fascinated by the paranormal and ghosts. I have visited Borley on several occasions, and the place definitely has 'atmosphere'. I do not come from Suffolk. However, my ex father-in-law is from Sudbury and my son's girlfriend is from Bures, which featured heavily in the annals of the Rectory.
"Despite what publications may have us believe, a monastery actually did exist in Bures. It was dissolved at the Reformation, about 1530 or so. I do not believe that the Rectory was built on the site of a former convent. However, I believe that the land once belonged to the Catholic Waldegraves, who had associations with nuns and who possess an ornate tomb inside the church.
"I am sure that Marianne must have had psychic experiences within the church, as on the occasions when I have visited the place, I have experienced psychic 'impressions' myself. I do not subscribe to the media view that Marianne was 'making things up'. I believe that she had genuine psychic/spiritual manifestations which other people chose to ignore or make fun of.
"Also, I strongly believe that Harry Price wanted the 'glory' for himself and chose to portray her in a less than kindly light, likewise the Bull's. I hope that this potted history is interesting to you. I am very much interested in Borley, as there is much more up there which still goes on.
"I have become interested in Marianne Foyster after reading several works on the Borley Rectory story. I was intrigued by her shrewdness and how she managed to 'see through' many of the time-wasters and loafers who turned up at Borley. I believe that she was put into a difficult set of circumstances through no fault of her own and overcame them with grace and dignity.
" I am fascinated by her life and would like to find out more about this remarkable woman. I am interested in her not from a commercial point of view (I am not writing a book or anything) but from a personal viewpoint i.e. her life after Borley. I was unaware that you were her son, but I am pleased to have made your acquaintance.
"I am also interested in Borley as a place, as well as the personalities involved at the time. Borley is a beautiful, quiet little village, a rural idyll.
"I made a visit up to Borley Sunday, October 25th, and noticed that all road signs and signposts which before indicated the directions to Borley village had been removed. Whether this is because of new road layouts or because of the actions of the villagers, I do not know. The church was also chained off, too. I think perhaps the villagers may be 'cheesed off' by the attention of thrill seekers."
Patricia "Patsy" Langley

Mr. O'Neil:
"Wanted to let you know that the "Goosebumps Gallery Stinetingling Tale: Borley Rectory" will be on the air this weekend! Listen for it Friday night and Saturday night, [December 11-12] I believe around 8:30 and 10:30 PM Central- but don't quote me on that.
Mark Groves
Production Director, Radio Disney

Dear Mr. O'Neil,
"I've known about Borley for some years now, ever since I was at school in the UK back in 1984.My school tutor for three of my high school years had a rather large collection of material about Borley rectory, which he kept in his office. I can remember him showing us slides, photo's and film footage of various trips and strange occurrences. I remember him showing me a slide of the floating brick that you have on your site, he also had information on the church and the 'transferance' of activity from the site of the rectory to the church after the fire. Since then, I've been greatly interested in this type of activity and I have found your web site to be of great interest to me.
"If I can remember rightly, my tutors name was Mr. Mundy, and it was the John Bentley Highschool in Calne, Wiltshire (which has some spooks of its own)."
Chris Read

Hi Vincent;
"I found your site on Borley Rectory very interesting. Ever since I first heard aboutit, it has always been compelling. I am in South Africa - and all things paranormal are a bit frowned upon here. Anyway, many years ago, I bought a series of books called"The Unexplained" (Orbis Publications).In there was a good article about Borley. If you have not yet had the opportunity to see the article, let me know - I will try to get it to you - somehow. It is obviously just a "summary" of other books on the subject. Anyway, let me know."
Kind regards,
Leon Erasmus
South Africa.

Dear Vince;
Regarding the church picture pasted inside The End of Borley.
"Dunno if it helps, but HMS Ganges was the Navy Training base at Shotley near Ipswich. It is still there being used as a Police Training centre it ceased being a Navy base I guess in the early 1980's. It closes in a year or so. I don't know who Eric Bush is but he must have either been a Staff member at the base or stationed there. It is not too far from HMS Ganges to Borley, much the same distance as Woodbridge to Borley to give you some idea.
"All Navy Ships are HMS something or other, even if the 'Ship' is actually a shore establishment, as is the case with HMS Ganges. It is probably best known (in the UK at least) for the Mast ceremony held each year when a huge mast, in the grounds, was scaled by sailors who then stood on the arms of the mast and one poor chap had to stand on the button at the top and was called the "button" boy. The mast is still there and I guess must be 100ft or more high.
"By the way the Bull Hotel was on TV last week as a result of its haunted rooms. :) "
Nick Rowland

Hi Vince;
"Just wanted to tell you what a splendid job you did on the latest newsletter."
Sue-Ellen Welfonder
Thanks, but it is the members who make this thing work. Thanks to all of you for your submissions and suggestions!

Hi Vince:
" There's so much amazing information in your newsletters...I don't know how you manage to keep up!"
Heather Langley
Thanks again, but it really is up to the associates of the BORLEY GHOST SOCIETY for the success of this venture. You are the ones who submit the pictures, the topics, and the fascinating profiles!

Dear Vince;
"A story about Borley dating back to the war, when the house was empty, but still standing:
"My father was walking back to where he was stationed after visiting his grandparents at Witham. As it came on to rain somewhat heavily, he decided to take shelter and entered the gates of a derelict looking property. The house was open, but had such an atmosphere, he just sheltered on the porch. Still feeling extremely uncomfortable, opted to brave the storm rather than stay any longer near the house. Just as he was leaving, a number of tiles off the roof crashed to the ground, landing just where had previously been standing. As he rapidly moved off, he caught the sight of a person at one of the upper windows. The name of the property was - Borley Rectory.
"Some years later, as a family we revisited the site. The house had been demolished and a small estate of houses stood on the site. Parking in what was once the entrance to the driveway, my father retold his tale. When we came to leave, our car - a fairly new model - wouldn't start until it was pushed 10 yards back onto the main highway."
Jackie Grebby

Hi Vince;
"I've not seen any ghosts but I do think the spirits of people from your past definitely have influence and insights into our lives. At one time my husband & I went to a new-age church &tho it was not part of their doctrine they studied & sometimes invited guest speakers from the"paranormal" sector. I can't even remember who the person was but she had us bring an object of meaning to her and she channeling or reading. I took a gold watch that my departed father had given my mother and she was right on. She said that he said I was the only one he could reach(Mom thought any unnatural things were pure BS and would have none of it. Some other things, he said he had worried about who he would be after death but was just himself & laughed. He said he had had a bad time at first (we thought he meant death) but he was fine and very busy working & studying. I really feel that he was there . Another thing she did was in a meditation to tell her the name that came to mind & "Allen" (one of my departed brothers) just popped into my mind, my husband said the very same way that "Maggie" came to his mind . That is a nickname of his mother who had died when he was 3. The lady said they were our spirit guides....I don't know but that's been 20 years and even now when I do something really klutzy like spilling sugar or something all over , I think Allen--he was extremely mischievous--I feel likehe's saying don't be so serious--& it doesn't irritate me like it would otherwise. "
Jean Call

"I was looking over the floating brick photo directly over the beam that goes across the photo from left to right. When I use a magnifying glass on the photo in that area, I see a gargoyle or Satan face with a tail going off to the left along and behind the beam. Am I seeing things? Does anybody else see this?"
Bob Simpson

Borley Ghost Society associate profiles

For those of you who have profiles on my web site, I have moved them to their own special folder so that you can use them without compromising our hidden BORLEY GHOST SOCIETY address. From now on they will be at
This way, you can tell people you have your very own web page, and freely give them your URL!
If you would like me to make a profile page for you, just tell me a little about yourself and attach a photo to an e-mail.

Rosemary Ellen Guiley is a best selling author, columnist and teacher on spirituality, metaphysics and visionary experience. Her work embraces the mystical, metaphysical and healing traditions of both West and East. e-mail

Richard Senate describes himself as the Ghost Stalker and has a new web site. You will find a link to his autobiography, and I can't wait to read Chapter Two - "I meet my first ghost!" His most recent publication is Ghosts of The Ojai: California's Most Haunted Valley.

Loyd Auerbach is the director of the Office of Paranormal Investigations in San Francisco. His most recent book is mind Over Matter. His first book, ESP,Hauntings And Poltergeists is hard to find.

Be patient if you leave e-mail for Art Bell. This over-night talk show host is deluged with hundreds of messages every day. His guests run the gamut of the paranormal, and if you miss a show, you can usually catch up with the dialogue on his web site. At the bottom of his bio page, you will find a link to some photos.

Click on the ghost at Chris Grebby's web site, and you will find a run-down on Pluckley, the "Most Haunted Village in England." Chris's mother, Jackie, is a BORLEY GHOST SOCIETY associate.

Chris Read has a web page down in Australia. He has done a ton of traveling. We have several members from "down under!"

If I tell you Obiwan's real name, I'll have to shoot you, but she has one of the premiere sites on the web. Just ghosts- no flying saucers. She also runs a news group - alt.folklore.ghost-stories.

Dave Oester & Sharon Gill run the INTERNATIONAL GHOST HUNTERS SOCIETYfrom Oregon. This up-and-coming outfit is getting world wide recognition, and they sponsor a lot of seminars and investigations. You can join for free, and be sure to sign up for their newsletter.

Don't be surprised if Uri Geller knows you a revisiting his web pages. After all, he is a world-famous mentalist! He has set up a webcam in his home in order "to beam the powers of the supernatural direct through your PC into your house." Of course there are a lot of photos, and even a way to test your psychic powers.

Laurie Porter is the Managing Director of Cyberlake Pty Ltd in Australia which usually takes up most of his time with web page design etc. He is the Queensland Team Leader for the Australian Ghost Hunter's Society, and a member of the Brisbane Ghost Hunters.

We have another Jack the Ripper researcher in our membership! Genealogical researcher Peter Birchwood helped me put the pieces together when I needed addresses for my blood relatives in England. If you need help with your genealogy, this is the man to visit! You can go directly to his website at Celtic Research.

Elna Bjorge is one fantastic artist. Her original paintings are for sale from her web site at Ultimate1and you can see her graphic work for IC One. Her profile is also quite interesting.

In addition to his page on Borley which is highlighted earlier in this newsletter, Adrian Butcher has some beautiful photographs from West Sussex on his home pages. Adrian has a wide variety of interests.

There is no official web site for associate Peter Underwood, but you will find his name throughout my work almost as often as that of Harry Price. He has written quite a number of books aboutghosts, including several guide books. I've created a small bio for BORLEY GHOST SOCIETY members.

Associate Activities

Associate Nick Roland suggests we consider using The Bull Hotel in Woodbridge the next time we go prowling for ghosts in places like Borley or Pluckley. The proprietor is a sailing friend of his, and Nick built a web site for the establishment.

It must have been a time of mixed emotions for Alan Wesencraft last month. The long-timecurator of the Harry Price Library retired. "They gave me a lovely retirement party," he told me. "It was wonderful to see so many of the old familiar faces again, whom I had not seen for many years." Alan's wife Kate was able to join him as "They paid for us to spend the night [at a hotel]in Cartwright Gardens so we did not have to rush back to Oakham after the party. I gave a shorttalk on the H.P.L." I know I would have loved to have been there. Many people are asking Alanto write his memoirs, and I am sure we all join in with that encouragement. He has somefascinating stories to tell, believe me! "I wish every possible success to the BORLEY GHOST SOCIETY, and will try to find people who would like to join." Thank you, Alan, and thank youfor all the unselfish years you put in helping people like me research Borley.

Our own special place on the web

Each issue of the newsletter will be posted on the web in our exclusive area. Newsletters1-3 are at y/welcome.htm These three issues may eventuallybe shared with regular readers of the Borley Rectory web site, but newsletter for 1999 will be posted exclusively for members only at 9/welcome2.htm

Special discounts

As a member of the Borley Ghost Society you are entitled to a 10 percent discount on all titles from

You will definitely want to consider adding the new Llewellyn CD, Ghosts to your collection, especially if you enjoy New Age music. Even if this is a new area of music for you - as it is with me - you may still enjoy this background, mood enhancing collection. The uncle of the artist lived in a haunted house in North Wales. I'm supposed to charge more than $14.99 for this specialty item on my site, but I have cut the price down. BORLEY GHOST SOCIETY members save even more, as it is available to you exclusively for $12.99 Song five is inspired by Borley Rectory.

Latest paranormal links

Check out the latest paranormal sites I have visited on the links page. It includes sites that offer guides to British and American hauntings, plus a book by Guy Lyon Playfair.


Send your feedback via E-mail. I'd love to hear from you.

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