After the fire, the ghosts supposedly moved across the road to Borley Church. This idea has led to no end of trouble for the current residents, as they are constantly beseiged by ghost-hunters and party-goers hoping to scare up a phantom or two. Borley natives are firm to tell the curious, "If the place was haunted decades ago, it certainly is not today." They have made made several appeals to visitors to respect their privacy and the sanctity of the Church.

Here is a brief history of the entire site. A list of all the rectors is also available, plus a list of the candidates who may have haunted Borley now or in the past. Your inquiries may have already been answered in the Frequently Asked Questions file. The web site has stories from other people who have visited. There is also a section of e-mail from those who are interested in the subject. Many people from all over the world have sent items for my Borley collection, for which I am most grateful. If you have stories related to Borley, or if you know of resources I might be interested in researching, please let me know!

Contact page

The National Pipe Organ Register at Cambridge has a description and photo of the organ. The web site uses frames, so you will have to type in "Borley" in their ADDRESS SEARCH.


My dicovery of Borley and its strange history started with a search for my roots. As a result, I have portions of the genealogy for Lionel Foyster, Henry Bull, and Marianne.

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c. 25 Jan. 2011, Vincent O'Neil