The Borley Legend - 1936-1996

February 1936 Confessions of a Ghosthunter published. Contains veiled references to Borley, which show Price thought the events he had observed there in 1931 were not paranormal, but he re-affirms that he thinks the events that had occurred on his earlier visits were.

March 1936 Henning becomes rector, but does not live in the rectory.


May 1937 Price rents the rectory for one year, advertising in the Times for volunteers to join a rota of investigators. 48 names accepted. Compiles a book of instructions for the observers known as the "Blue Book." Among those to enroll was Sidney H. Glanville, a consulting engineer who had little knowledge of psychicial research. Becomes Price's right hand man. Makes enquiries on his own, including interviewing Whitehouses. Visited the Smiths who were now living in Kent. Contacted the Foysters now living in Ipswich. Extensive photographs taken. Glanville begins to gather material for what will eventually become the "Locked Book."(1)

June 16, 1937 Although his lease is not yet official, Harry Price visits. Chalk lines drawn around certain items. A tobacco tin moved three inches, and a small box moved seven feet when checked the next day. All doors and windows locked.

June 19 Anxious to begin research, Sidney Glanville spends the night. A small carton on the window sill in the Blue Room is found outside its chalk mark the next day. Explained as having tipped over. Nothing reported "which could not satisfactorily be accounted for by normal means."

June 24 Harry Price lease officially begins.

June 26 7:30 p.m. - Mark Kerr-Pearse hears two taps, asks for reply and hears nothing more.

6:53 a.m. - Sound of book falling over on mantlepiece.

June-July A woman's coat appears in Room #7.

July 16 9:30 p.m. - Kerr-Pearse, Reverend and Mrs. Henning move coat to the Blue Room, next to Room #7. While rapping a table in the Base Room, "a most extraordinary noise was heard, as though coming from the kitchen and slowly moving down the passage toward us. It lasted fully a minute, and ceased abruptly when we stood up."(2) Price told Glanville the sound was that of a lady's silk dress. He also told Glanville more wall writings had appeared and one of them told investigators to look in the well. No mention of silk dress or wall writings in Kerr-Pearse reports filed in the Locked Book.

July 18 9:45 a.m. - Kerr-Pearse finds a piece of "extremely" rotted wood on the hearth of the sewing room.

July 26 While ringing every wall writing, Price and other un-named witnesses saw several new marks appear "right under our noses."

August 5 The Hennings, their friend - a Miss Reid - and Glanville inspect house. Miss Reid has a "feeling of terror" outside the Blue Room. She experiences "pins and needles" all over, and feels "very cold, even though it was a warm evening." Others verify her hands feel icy. Experience repeated 15 minutes later with same results. No one else in group has similar experiences.

August 14 9:00 a.m. - Glanville and Hugh G. Harrison note that an aluminum cup containing corundum grain had moved. A hole had been punched in the bottom, and a trail of grain could be seen going in several directions. Photographs taken of four wall writings.

9:40 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. - Four new writings noticed on the walls at various times, including "Marianne, light, mass, prayers."

"I still cannot understand, please tell me more" written under most legible wall writing by Kerr-Pearse.

1:40 to 2:15 a.m. - "Scrabbling" sounds heard and attributed to mice.

August 28-29 Glanville, his son, Capt. Harrison, and a Mr. Horniman hear several bumps during overnight stay.

8:24 p.m. - Light, "tripping" footsteps heard coming down the main staircase.

September 19 A small wooden peg found moved about two inches by Glanville.

A tobacco tin found moved from the Drawing Room to just outside the Blue Room. However, evidence elsewhere clearly points to intruder.

10:30 p.m. - A solitary tap heard.

September 21 1 a.m. - A single tap heard.

8:30 p.m. - M. Kerr-Pearse and cousin Rupert Haig, while upstairs, hear a rustling noise downstairs. Discover that a 50 pound bag of coal was moved 18 inches.

September 22 3:40 a.m. - Haig awakened by "icy draught on his face," even though all doors and windows closed. Temperature recorded as 60 degrees.

4:30 p.m. - Heavy thud heard from Blue Room.

Horniman and lady friend stop by - friend feels "cold and uncomfortable" outside Blue Room while standing in same place where Miss Reid had her similar experience. Friend is thought to be psychic, and feels "A very unpleasant atmosphere" in the dressing room adjoining the Blue Room as well as in the kitchen passage way.

Haig tells Kerr Pearse, "I did not enjoy my visit. . .but left in the firm conviction that it is haunted."(3)

Mid-October Dr. Bellamy, his son, and a friend, find more pencil marks, hear bells ring, and find books scattered.

October 23 7:35 p.m. - Kerr-Pearse hears distinct rap.

7:50 p.m. - Distinct crack heard from back staircase.

9:55-10:30 p.m. - Cuthbert, Roger Glanville and K.P. hold seance.

All experience icy cold draft. K.P. got impression "there was a presence" behind Cuthbert.

October 24 1:15 & 2 a.m. - K.P., Roger Glanville and Alan Cuthbert hold seance.

4:30 a.m. - Kerr Pearse hears shutter rattle twice.

12:35 a.m. - Bump heard near chapel.

6:15 a.m. - Kerr-Pearse, "R.H.G." and Alan Cuthbert hear shutter move.

6:50-9:44 p.m. - Seance. Sidney joins group.

10:20 p.m. to 2 a.m. - Seance.

October 25 1:40 a.m. & 2:10 a.m. - Seances with Sidney, Roger and K.P.

2 p.m. - Kerr-Pearce, Sidney Glanville and Roger H. Glanville hear heavy footsteps shuffle outside Blue Room.

3:20 p.m. - Cuthbert, K.P., and Roger Glanville receive planchette writings.

3:40 p.m. - Same trio hears thud from somewhere upstairs.

October 26 10:48 p.m. - Kerr-Pearse hears click, later discovers door has been locked.

October 27 10:45 a.m. - Kerr-Pearse hears shuffling noise.

5:55 p.m. - Kerr-Pearse hears crash "As though several saucepans had fallen to the ground" from kitchen area.

6:30 p.m. - Harry Price visits. Finds large pencil mark.

9:15 p.m. - Kerr-Pearse feels coat tugged twice.

October 28 10-12 p.m. - Kerr-Pearse, Glanvilles, and Cuthbert hear footsteps in Blue Room. Sounds like pacing to K.P. who also heard similar sounds during the same time period the previous three nights.

In Streatham, Helen Glanville receives planchette writings.

October 30 11:45 a.m. - K.P. discovers handle of cupboard door almost unscrewed.

12:30 p.m. - Glanville/Price discover large, penciled "M."

7:25 p.m. - K.P. and Glanville hear "A succession of heavy metallic sounds" in bathroom which last "some 20 to 30 seconds."

11:40 p.m. - Glanville, Rev, Henning, and K.P. hear two successive thumps from about the foot of the staircase.

11:50 p.m. - Henning and Glanville receive planchette writings.

October 31 Glanville hears "three distinct thuds" from Blue Room. Two more thuds are heard ten seconds later.

Helen, Roger, and Sidney Glanville, K.P., receive planchette writings at Streatham.

November 1 K.P. and Glanville find what appears to be "the foundation of an older house" while digging in cellar.

Mid-November Henning reports several neighbors report seeing lights, especially in one particular window.

While painting outside of house, worker sees a "column of smoke rising from the centre of the lawn."

Son of foreman, aged 19, hears singing or chanting coming from church on two occasions.

Foreman - Mr. Hardy - recalls skull found by Mrs. Smith was buried, but it was dug up again because phenomena increased greatly.

November 20 7:30 p.m. K.P. hears a single sharp rap.

8:25 p.m. K.P. and three others notice blind in one window moving with no sign of a draft. Cigarette smoke blown at window undisturbed. Effect lasts about five minutes.

Walter Bull, brother of Harry, visits. Reports hearing footsteps following him at least fifty times while walking on path to the house. Other than that, he saw nothing unusual during Bull tenancy.

November 21 Sidney and Roger Glanville, Dr. Bellamy, Hugh Harrison receive planchette writings.

January 12, 1938 Glanville and Smiths spend the night. Despite bringing "a few little interesting paraphernalia" from their tenancy, "nothing of interest" happens. Price wishes they had spent a week.

February Wife of a visiting BBC official sees nun.

March 12 1:45 p.m. Roger Glanville and Alan Cuthbert find several items moved, including a brick, a tobacco tin, and a piece of money. Several items missing - tea pot, spoons, a towel, and some small cloths.

10 p.m. Spots of fluid found on the floor of the chapel by Roger, Cuthbert, Mr. M. Savage and Mr. Bridgewater. Savage describes them as "some curious gluey material."

1:45 a.m. Sharp sounds cause visitors to jump. Cuthbert hears sound like a chair being moved.

March 27, 1938 Planchette board used during psychic meeting by Helen and Roger Glanville in Streatham, prophesies fire. Also encourages investigation "under the ruins" to find "bone of murdered warden," which will give "proof of haunting."(4)

April Hugh Harrison finds two tin boxes moved about seven inches. A paper knife moved two inches. Wife(?) Phyllis hears rapping in dressing room next to Blue Room, and is annoyed Hugh does not hear it.

May 19, 1938 Price lease ends.

Late 1930's Visitors see middle-aged nun in mirror of study.

December 1938 Captain William Hart Gregson buys property. Looses two dogs in succession when they shriek and bolt away - never to be seen again.

January 1939 Neighbors report flame-like lights in upper windows.

February 27, 1939 Midnight- Fire destroys rectory. Woman seen going from window to window. Young woman seen hanging by her fingertips from the sill of the Blue Room.

1939 A group of young people see "the figure of a girl or a young woman appear in the opening of what had been the Blue Room window. As far as could be seen by moonlight, the figure appeared to be clothed in either pale blue or buff." (5)

March 1939 Herbert Mayes, a chauffeur, hears "the sound of horses stampeding" while bicycling past after dark. (6)

March 1939 Rosemary Williams sees a girl standing in midair. Companion, Charles Browne, sees same figure as it disappears. It is wearing white. Williams undisturbed since, "the apparition seemed so natural and unfrightening." (7)

About 1939 Violet Sorfleet and friends suddenly enveloped "by a thick and clammy fog." (8)

About April 1939 Glanville arranges meetings between Price and Whitehouses. On hearing their testimony, Price's view of Marianne changes. Through intervention of Glanville, good relations are restored between Price and Lionel, who gives permission for his records to be quoted in The Most Haunted House in England.

April 10, 1939 Mr. W. Davey tires twice to photograph ruins, but camera opens each time, spoiling negative. (9)

August 3, 1940 Death of Reverend Guy Smith. The Most Haunted House in England is published. Among other letters, Price receives two from Mrs. Smith congratulating him on having written a "wonderful book."

1941-1945 American airmen see witch on Borley Green.

Jaunuary 1941 W.J. Pythian Adams, Canon of Carlisle, sends Price his anaylsis.

October 31, 1941 12:45 a.m. luminous patch appears to Andrew Robertson and Mr. I.P. Williams on wall outside sewing room. Robertson leads group of undergraduates calling themselves the "Cambridge Commission."

2:10 a.m. "Heavy noises like footsteps" heard on back stairs. "A moving dark outline" spotted.(10)

November 12, 1941 Mr. H. F. Russell is seized from behind by "an unseen something," which throws him "face down in a puddle of dirty water."(11)

December 20, 1941 Andrew Robertson and Mr. Angelbeck hear repeated knockings from drawing room. (12)

February 27, 1942 Robertson and J.P. Grantham hear click, and then three heavy knocks from direction of the front door. Luminous patch seen on sewing room wall.

11:31 and 11:34 p.m. noises "as of heavy furniture being moved."

Another knock, rustling, and a door closing also heard.(13)

Pencil marks found on two pieces of paper placed inside an envelope.  (The Eagle, June 1943.)

May 1942 Cyclist sees nun. (14)

September 22, 1942 11 p.m. Crackling sounds and heavy footsteps heard by Armstrong, Robertson, White and Williams. (15)

1943 Large flat slab of stone, thought to be entrance to Waldegrave vault, is excavated. Instead, it is determined to be the original altar stone.

March 21, 1943 Robertson's "Cambridge Commission" hears two instances of a horse stamping its foot.

10:30 p.m. - sounds heard from the garden.

12:38 p.m. - sounds heard of someone "shuffling about" in kitchen passage.(16)

April 30, 1943 Cambridge Commission members Cook, Hay, and Wadsworth hear five footsteps near the back stairs, several intermittent thuds, three occurances of moving furniture, a packing case being dragged across the floor, four taps like "a mallet striking a wooden surface," a "very loud noise as of a slamming door," and a noise like a "falling brick."(17)

June 8, 1943 Cambridge Commission members observe dropping temperatures. (18)

June 9, 1943 I. G. Gordon and J.R. Palmer of the Cambridge Commission report sighting of "a whitish object moving across the lawn." Various squeaks and cracks heard. Noises follow attempts to "contact" Rev. Harry Bull. (19)

June 22, 1943 Heap and Longmuir of the Cambridge Commission report the sound of falling rubble from the cellar, a white shape by one of the trees near the greenhouse, various chirping noises, and the odor of fruit moving through the corridors.(20)

June 28, 1943 Lieutenants Kujawa and Nawricki of Polish Army have stones thrown at them. Kujawa hit. Moving shadow seen near Nun's Walk. Nawrocki hears whisperings the next morning.(21)

August 17, 1943 Harry Price discovers jawbone while digging in cellar as instructed by planchette message. Rev Henning and laborer named Jackson accompany him. Religious items and a silver-plated cream jug also found.

Medal of a French nun, Zoe Laboure who died in 1876 discovered.

When bones were sent to a London photographer, "two pictures fell down, a broken clock started up, and the fragment of the skull fell on the floor and broke into four pieces. The photographer begged Price to remove it.(22)

September 25, 1943 1:30 a.m. - Cambridge Commission members Wilden-Hart and Leeman hear half a dozen footsteps "coming from the courtyard."(23)

December 3, 1943 Cambridge Commission members Cattrell, Howart, Smith, and Squires hear four whistles "like somebody trying to attract attention, each a little more forceful than the last." (24)

1944 Site demolished.

April 5, 1944 Harry Price visits with LIFE magazine photographer David Schermann and Reporter Cynthia Ledsham. Resultant photographs include one of "floating brick."

April 30, 1944 Two visitors with test equipment, see light in a window.(25)

May 1944 Three axes break during attempt to clear trees from site. One worker receives a shoulder injury. Two trees fall the wrong way. (26)

1944 Garage built with bricks from ruins, found totally flat the next day.

July 28-29, 1944 Kujawa and Nawrocki see a shadowy figure near the Nun's Walk.(27)

???? Woman sees coach and horse turn into driveway during daylight hours. Assumes it is for filming, or a party. After the coachmen visit inside, they return and drive out through the gates. "Then without warning, the whole thing just shot straight up in the air and disintegrated....wheels, shafts, horses all scattering in every direction."(28)

April 18, 1945 Lionel Foyster dies, is buried in Campse-Ashe.

October 1945 Mrs. Smith writes to Church Times saying neither she nor her husband believed the building to be haunted.

1945 Price published Poltergeist Over England. Concept is to exclude fraudulent case throughout history - Borley takes up one chapter.

1945 Mrs. Smith writes to Church Times saying the house was not haunted.

April 21, 1946 John Durrant and his fiancee hear footsteps, lifting of door latch.(29)

1946 Catechism student Kathleen Finch, 13, hears footsteps and a key in the lock at church. Assumes it is the teacher, Miss Byford, but receives no reply to her inquiry. Byford arrives shortly thereafter to find the door locked.(30)

1946 End of Borley Rectory published.

1946-55 Montague Elelman removes piece of oak beam from ruins. His sister sees nun while he is visiting London in 1946 with this "relic of Borley." In his dream, he hears voice in an underground station and then sees nun.

July, 1947 Silvia Thorn-Drury hears footsteps in the church yard.

August 2, 1947 James Turner hears lame footsteps and swishing of clerical clothing in the church yard.

September, 1947 Miss Backhouse followed by lame footsteps in the church yard.

September 16, 1947 12:16 a.m. John May hears footsteps, feels "a slight pressure" he describes as "essentially evil." Also hears a key in a lock, a door creaking open and then closing, followed by "soft notes and chords" from the organ.(31)

October, 1947 3:15 p.m. Mrs. Noah (Burke) Walrond and Reverend Henning hear organ "playing as it might while the collection is being taken or waiting for a bride." She is unfamiliar with similar stories, and both search the vacant church thoroughly.(32)

March 29, 1948 Third book underway when Price dies.

May 26, 1948 Mrs. Smith writes to Daily Mail asserting disbelief in haunting.

December 1948 Charles Sutton accuses Price of manufacturing phenomena in article published by Inky Way Annual.

February, 1949 Susanna Dudley, Audrey Sawrey-Cooksen, and Alastair MacIver, smell overpowering odor. Dudley thinks it is like an embalmed body. Fourth member of party, Jonathan Crossley, smells nothing. Very windy. (50)

April 24, 1949 Mrs. Pearson and her husband hear church bells ringing. Assume it is Reverend Henning, but he is at Liston. Door is locked, and Mrs. Pearson kept the key. (33)

July 26, 1949 Dr. Margaret Abernathy saw the nun as she was driving by. When she stopped to offer a ride, the nun had gone. (The Ghosts of Borley, Peter Underwood.)

August, 1949 Reverend Stanley C. Kipling clearly sees 18-23 year old girl "rather frail-looking." Wore a nun's hood and thick veil. Apparition very life-like and distinct. Also dated 1950s.

1951 Andrew Green and associates from the Ealing Psychical Research Society visit. One member sees a "woman in a long white gown," walking toward the garden, and is upset Green can't see her.(34)

About 1951 James Turner smells strong odor of incense.(35)

1951 Mr. And Mrs. Robert Bacon buy the site. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Williams also move in. Mr. Williams saw the nun "moving past the window." Terry Bacon, a son, "reported seeing the nun three times, noting that it was some 3-4 feet off the ground." (The Ghosts of Borley, Peter Underwood.)

July, 1952 Mr. Cole sees nun, but as he approaches, she disappears. (36)

1954 Glanville dies. Projected symposium on Borley abandoned.

1956 Photographs taken before and after visit to church turn out perfect, but those taken at Borley turn out blank.

July, 1956 Dr. Peter Hilton-Rowe sees nun, but his companion does not. (37)

1956 Haunting of Borley Rectory by Dingwall, Goldney, Hall.

September, 1957 An unidentified newspaper clipping reports "The unearthing last week of a large drain may have solved one of the mysteries of Borley Rectory. Contractors. . . laying water mains. . . cut through brickwork. . . revealing a tunnel."

Spring, 1961 Investigators see blue floating lights, hear voices and footsteps, feel intense cold, and experience several mechanical malfunctions which visiting church area.

1964 Victor Neville-Statham reports his co-worker from the Ministry of Technology sees a man "standing by the tree sporting a big black beard, a pipe in his mouth, and wearing a long black coat, buttoned at the neck."(38)

1965 The Research Advisory Committee of the SPR authorizes re-examination of the Borley file and makes a grant-in-aid. Resulting report by Robert Hastings answering earlier report not well known.

1970 - 73 Geoffrey Croom-Hollingsworth and two friends make tape recordings during several visits to church. Noises recorded include doors slamming, rappings and knockings, furniture being moved, grunting.

Recorder and tape mangled after a loud crash in a locked room.

Dark form seen amongst graves.

Glow seen around Waldegrave tomb inside.

Nun seen within 12 feet for 12 minutes.

3 a.m. - "laughter and merriment" heard along empty road.

May 1970 Croom-Hollingsworth records voices, sounds like gun shots.

June 20, 1970 1:45 a.m. - Investigators see old nun with mole on her face for about 10 minutes.

During subsequent visit, footsteps heard for 15-20 seconds.

1971 Investigators stay overnight in church, see "pin-pricks of light darting about, just like fire flies;" tape record sounds of footsteps, doors being opened and closed, and organ playing. 

January, 1972 Croom-Hollingsworth tracked something with a sound scanner, hooked up a movie camera, and may have recorded a moving picture of a ghost.

June, 1972 1:50 a.m. Croom-Hollingsworth and Roy Potter see nun floating at south-east end of nun's walk, feel cold. She appears a second time.

1972 Roy Potter sees nun, throws brick through apparition.

1974 During BBC visit to document Hollingsworth study, a cable is cut, a recorder jams, and a machine ruins a valuable tape. Witness is director Denny Densham. Tape recorder locked in a closed room picks up sounds of heavy door being opened and slammed closed. Other noises including rappings. knocking, and a human sigh. (39)

July, 1974 1:45 a.m. - "Stealthy sounds" heard near the altar by Densham and colleagues. Recorder picks up sounds of a door shutting, a crash, and heavy footsteps. A glow is seen near the chancel door, "followed by a terrifying grunt." Pinpoints of light seen, and a heavy crash heard.(40)

1975 Photograph by Ray Armes of a "wizened little old man" outlined in the foliage above the gate.

1976 Keith Wright "flung against the car door," as his car is "lifted a few feet off the ground," and moved about 12 feet.

About 1976 Andrew Collier tries to take photographs "of where the rectory once stood, but the camera simply wouldn't work."(41)

About 1976 Tyrone Hopes visits with parents. Mother "showered with gravel which hit her shoes, and she hadn't seen anyone about."(42)

May 31, 1978 10:45 p.m. - Luminous grey figure seen moving to spot where stables used to be.

August 28, 1977 12:52 p.m. - Stephen Jenkins and wife see four men in black bearing a coffin. Face of one is a skull. Picture taken next day shows short, cloaked figure.

September 1, 1979 Stephen Jenkins photographed by his wife as he stood with his back to the churchyard. Unexplained faces among the trees seen in picture.(43)

Late 1970's Dr. Peter Hilton-Rowe and friend see nun.

1970's Ronald Russell of Enfield Parapsychical Research Group takes photos which later show dark shadows.

Records noises, footsteps and crashes during different visits. "On one occasion, we located a centre of disturbance near the Waldegrave tomb; it was tangible, like a swirling column of energy. When you passed your hand through it, you felt a sort of crackle, like static electricity. On another occasion, we heard a deep, grunting voice, which reminded me irresistibly of Lee Marvin singing 'Wandering Star.'" (44)

????? Visitor hears lame footsteps and rustling of clerical gown at church. Supposedly Lionel.

???? Clinton Tweed and wife smell incense very strongly. Windy. (45)

1980 Two psychic investigators while in the church see ghost assumed to be John Deeks, vicar during time of Cromwell - 1653-1658.

Early 1980's Visitors who lived in Borley fifty years earlier, return to hear organ playing Handel's Largo in empty church, and are pelted with pebbles.

1985 Tape recordings in church reveal growl, "sounds similar to large pieces of wood being knocked together. . . and a faint form of chanting."

1985-1990 Black masses said in church. (46)

July, 1984 Brother of Richard Lee van den Daele, with others, hear "sibilant whisperings." Record, "bangs, rustlings, clicks, buzzing, and a strange build-up of static." During recordings of day two, "a hissing, semi-audible incantation was being recited."(47)

July 6, 1988 Team of investigators find hidden tunnel and crypt under church. Inside are found a skeleton and a plaque dated 1921 with the initials H.F.B. The heavy stone coffins move to abnormal positions several times during the years.

3 a.m. Paul Kemp and others get feeling "something" is happening near sealed up chancel door. Not knowing what to expect, pictures taken. Prints show large door with image of "a veiled bride" about to enter.

???? Ghost of teenage girl seen in churchyard. She is dressed in blue.

???? Ghost of a veiled woman seen near church. Could be nun.

???? Young boy stops, and stares straight ahead while visiting church interior. Suddenly bursts into tears, and can only say he felt "so cold."

???? Bells ring during funeral, supposedly to scare away ghost of deceased.

???? Elderly woman seen in window of 17th century cottage near Borley Lodge. Cottage thought to be haunted by "thing" so horrible, villagers will not discuss it.

???? Local school rings with children shouting and laughing when no one present. Caretaker called many times to release crying child supposedly locked in school, but no child found.

???? Phantom musket shots heard many times, supposedly from Civil War of 1642-1660. Cavalier - loyal to king - seen running for cover. Same cavalier may also haunt Borley Lodge after being hunted down by Cromwell's men and killed there.

???? Victims of Cromwell's army seen to pass nearby barn, cross the road, and disappear close to pond.

???? Young nun in green habit, older nun in dark blue, seen heading toward church.

???? Four investigators hear "garden party" near Borley school. Tape recorder left on church porch found smashed. All doors locked.

???? Two investigators record sounds near the altar, see ghost open a non- existent door, witness temperature drop, feel they are being watched, tape record sound of something being dropped and a sigh, experience trouble with a tape recorder, and hear noise of a door bolt being drawn.(48)

???? Miles Wilson and friend make half hour tape in quiet church. Upon replaying tape later, her "someone open a door, move down the aisle and rustle around us."(49)

???? Michael Bentine, comedian, feels "chilling, uncanny aura" about the tomb.(51)

???? Psychic Cheryl Carter feels "hostile emanations" so strongly from tomb that she leaves the building. Companion, Marc Alexander, gets strong reaction from dowsing rods he carries near the tomb. (52)

October, 1990 Monica Brown visits with tour group. Swears, "it was the coldest I have ever been in my life. The cold seemed to roll toward us from the direction of the altar."(53)

???? "Plamsa rain...rather like chewing gum" drifts down "from the dramatic, brooding grey sky. It was not long before the church, trees and gravestones were draped with strands of this very fine substance." As it was handled, "it promptly melted away."(54)

1993 Ley lines calculated as meeting under church, indicating paranormal power.

1993 Solicitor hears organ music.(55)

June, 1995 2:00 a.m. - a visitor and his fiancee hear the "clear sounds of a church choir in full song."

If all parts of the legend are taken in to account, there are more than 18 ghosts.



1. Glanville, Sidney. The Haunting of Borley Rectory. London: unpublished, 1937-38. p. 12.

2. Ibid, p. 28.

3. Ibid, p. 71.

4. Ibid, p. 133a

5. Banks, Ivan. The Enigma of Borley Rectory. London: Foulsham, 1996. p. 61

6. Ibid, p. 61

7. Somerlott, Robert. Here, Mr. Splitfoot. New York: Viking, 1971. p. 185

8. Banks, op. cit., p. 61.

9. Ibid, p. 61.

10. Ibid, p. 62

11. Ibid, p. 61.

12. Ibid, p. 62

13. Ibid, p. 62

14. Wilson, Colin. Letter to the author, January 1996

15. Banks, op. cit. p. 62

16. Ibid, p. 63

17. Ibid, p. 63

18. Ibid, p. 63

19. Ibid, p. 63

20. Ibid, p. 63

21. Ibid, p. 62

22. Wilson, Colin. Letter to the author, January 1996

23. Banks, op. cit. p. 63

24. Ibid, p. 64

25. Ibid, p. 64

26. Suffolk Free Press, May 24, 1944, letter to the editor

27. Banks, op cit., p. 62

28. Ibid, p. 65

29. Mc Ewan, Graham J. Haunted Churches of England. London: Robert Hale, 1989. p. 90

30. Ibid, p. 89-90

31. Ibid, p. 91

32. Ibid, p. 90-91

33. Ibid, p. 90

34. Wilson, Colin. Poltergeist. St. Paul: Llewellyn Publications, 1993. p. 315.

35. McEwan, op. cit. p. 93

36. Ibid, p. 92-93

37. Ibid, p. 93

38. Rae-Ellis, Vivienne. True Ghost Stories of our own time. London: Faber and Faber, 1990. p. 165.

39. The Unexplained. Peter Brookesmith, editor. London: Orbis Publishing Ltd. 1988, p. 22.

40. Ibid, p. 23

41. Collier, Andrew. Letter to the author.

42. Hopes, Tyrone. Letter to the author.

43. Wilson. op. cit., p. 316.

44. Brookesmith, op. cit. p. 24

45. MacEwan. op. cit, p. 94-95

46. Kemp, Paul. Private research.

47. Banks, Ivan. op. cit. p. 203.

48. Ibid.

49. Wilson, Miles Robert James. Letter to the author.

50. MacEwan. op. cit. p. 93-94. Also Daily Mail, May 23, 1949. "Whiff of Evil at Borley Rectory."

51. Ibid, p. 95

52. Ibid, p. 95

53. Brown, Monica. Letter to the author.

54. Parsons, Ken. "Borley Rectory - House of Nightmares," Encounters. Bournesmouth: Paragon Publishing, July 1996. p. 72

55. Ibid, p. 72